Waldorf Rocket Synthesizer

Rocket is the name of a new square shaped synthesizer by Waldorf it has a multimode filter (LPF, HPF, BPF), Audio Demo by S.Trippler (via Forum,  ) OSC with Square and Sawtooth waveforms and Hard Sync – up to 8 detuned unisono oscs and sync sound via the 1-8 oscs.. Waldorf Rocket (built 2013) – Hybrid Synthesizer Waldorf Rocket synthesizer an LFO that is also an Arpeggiator (Clock) with 3 Waveforms Decay Envelope and Switches for Sustain and Release Boost for more aggrssive sounds. Unison means up to 8 tunable OSCs (they…

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King Korg VA with analog filter emulations and tube – rumours and wishes / MS20 re-release (confirmed)

something new approaching, also synthtopia asks for the MS20 to come back in form of a real synth.. if so, I ‚d still answer the same when I saw that controller first- make this thing sound just as it is, add octave shift keys and program change and give it 4-8 voices polyphony and a nice double full blown envelope and FM for those OSCs and it could be something very very cool…The Korg MINI MS-20 Monophonic Synthesizer (NAMM Rumor) – it’s now confirmed, there IS a $599 MS20 analog…

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Dinosaurier Treffen, Synthesizer @ Kulturort Alte Molkerei, Bocholt

Some Impressions from Bocholt, Germany, the dinosaur synthesizer meeting.. thanks a lot to citric acid and Mickey for simply doing it and the nice people at the Molkerei! sehr liebevoll ausgerichtetes kleines Festivälchen für Nerds und Nerdgebliebene, also wer irgendwie Synthesizer mag, war hier! Mehr dazu im Forum -> 17.11.2012 Dinotreffen 2 incl. DIY Lötworkshop etc  

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Synthesizer Test – by Meat Beat Manifesto

Synthesizer Test – is not just synth demo kind of  video, it is also sounding awesomely enough to just listen to it, typical Meat Beat Manifesto sounds – In Order of Appearance: Roland System 100 & System 100m EMS Synthi 100 & EMS Vocoder EKO COMPUTERHYTHM Syntovox 221 Sennheiser Vocoder VSM201 EMS Synthi EMS Universal Sequencer ARP 2500 EML 200 Moog Minimoog Model D Emu Modular Moog 16 Channel Vococer thx to matrix synth for triggering ;) non vegetarian beats show where the beef is?

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MCS70 Synthesizer by Mario „Crumar“ Maggi in Automat italo disco video

Pöbelmacker #12 « ACK! ACK! ACK!. zeigt das Bild eines interessanten Prototyps eines nicht gebauten Synthesizer vom italienischen Synthesizer-Designer Mario Maggi  (unter anderem Crumar) – Dieser Synth kommt im Video von Automat vor (1977), .. This is a proto of the never produced MCS70 synth by the Italian Mr.Synth (Mario Maggi) of those days – this article is referring to a band called Automat – who played „italo“ style of electronic music which is now much more popular than those days („plastic disco“) – want to listen? here it is…

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hamburg-audio -advanced audio instruments nuklear

hamburg-audio -advanced audio instruments. Nuklear is something new, .. seems it’s a mixture of speeding waveforms (or doubling it) and therefore maybe also shaping and phase shifting signals on the oscillators of a basically subtraktive new synth called Nuklear, that technique is called „Pulsar grains“ and looks like a nice alternative to FM and Shaping,.. Ich kommentiere mal nicht aus, sondern zitiere, hier handelt es sich wohl um einen Subtraktiven Synthesizer, der im Oszillatorenbereich eine Art Shaping macht, die Worte sind etwas ungenau, die Bilder schön geheimnisvoll (gut gemacht mit…

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