Free Software: Oscillo(scope) and Spec(tral)Ana(lyzer) are up for download at Ju-X

these 2 are simple and nice little tools for ppl like me who want to just look at the waveforms / the spectrum of a sound.. Oscillo This is the simplest and minimal oscilloscope app that focuses on use with synths. SpeAna This is the simplest and minimal spectrum analyzer app that is the best companion with Oscillo. via Freebies. (and there is still a free AU Host up there)

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Glitchmachines – Quadrant – Aalto inspired semimodular?

Glitchmachines‘ Quadrant (renamed from „Scope„). has a lot of being inspired by Madrona Labs Mod-Concept – trying to make a simple structure effective as hell. so this time it is a moog-coast (not buchla/serge west coast thing) – having 2×2 FM OSCs – stop – isn’t fm again more the other coast stuff? you are not getting what I try to tell? right – let’s forget about this categories-stuff – in fact it has a lot of things in common with Aalto but tries to be more FM and less…

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Mattomat Arpeggiator for Creamware / SonicCore Scope / Xcite

Mattomat is a new Arpeggiator that takes advantage of some step-sequencer features (32 step) and change controllers and velocity very musically. Matthias asked me also what the „electro“ people might like so I was well aware of it to come to life sooner or later, the circular 32 step design isn’t the only good thing, it’s about details, so here’s the first 2 video tutorials what it is all about.. the coder is Thomas Gost, a very quick intro (this video can not be embedded, so this is just a link) –…

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Kawai K3m Oscillator Waveforms Video

watch the Waveforms played without filtering / FX on a scope Kawai K3m Oscillator Waveforms Video. It’s simple and static as you might know, but has analog filters. Here is a little Demo  … tivity.mp3 from the FORUM: [audiodemo]: Kawai K3m there’s another source to watch the Waveforms on Music Machines: Kawai K-3 KAWAI K3, K3m Hybrid Synthesizer Kawai K3m (rack) pic thx Monolith / Oliver (link)Hybrid Synthesizer KAWAI K3 – K3m built in 1986 6 Voices / Stimmen 1x MultitimbralMemory / Speicher standard info © sequencer.devalue / Gebrauchtwert 350 € in 2005 (ultra rare)Tech additive static wavessubtractive digital…

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Creamware Menü -> Soniccore

Creamware Creamware Synth overview / überblick.. Minimoog clones – the digital Minimax ASB? Creamware did a very close clone – it’s based on the pulsar platform later the noah contained it, too but it did not sell well because of its terrible interface (4 knobs in a rack seemed not to be sexy enough..). well, it’s still a digital synth here.. but it has a lot of things that reminds of the mini.. it’s 12 voice (now!) polyphonic and adds velocity and of course midi-controller controlled.. it has the same…

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