NTFS (Windows) on Mac OS X – free for Snow Leopard – 20€ Mavericks

Paragon NTFS für Mac OS X helps Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.) users to mount and write NTFS (the Windows format) from and to the mac for free. You can also use the free OS X Fuse for that https://osxfuse.github.io/ if you want the same for Mavericks (OS X 10.9), just send Paragon 20€ and you get 5 cent back along with the converter. Mit diesem kleinen kostenlosen Werkzeug kann man Windows-Platten (NTFS Format) am Mac lesen und schreiben, für Schneeleoparden ist das kostenlos, für Mavericks muss man knapp 20€ opfern und…

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Best (Fastest) Browser for Sequencer.de (and others) vs. the video player problem

Just updated checks for the fastest and most suitable Browser on OS X Mavericks: the price goes to Safari, because it loads the whole site first and afterwards all the flash videos – so you have a picture of what’s there instantly and can read everything while the flash stuff is loading. Chrome – it’s loading the flash stuff as one of the first things, it is super fast – but it takes a while to show anything, so it appears to be slow the more videos and flash stuff…

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