
Apple Keynote: iPad Pro 12.9′ Monster-iPad + iPhone 6s/+ updated

Hey Siri, give us a hint – so heißt das Event. Was bedeutet das für Musiker? Ein kleiner Live-Update-Bericht: der wird fertig sein, wenn das Event fertig ist und hier stehen. UPDATE RAM: iPhone 6s/+ : 2GB RAM iPad Pro: 4 GB RAM iPad Air 2: 2 GB RAM Siri of 1980 Monty Python's Argument Sketch performed with two vintage speech synthesizersDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen Kommentieren? hier im Forum: Re: 9.Sept. Apple-Keynote – Neue iPhones 6s/+ & iPad Pro 12. here’s the apple news – most of you already know…

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Apple: MacPro and Macbook Air – OS X Mavericks @ WWDC Keynote

New MacPro – a looot smaller.. – New OS X Maverick – incl under the hood features – most of them saving power (both battery and DSP power) – – dual GPU GFX cards allow 3x 4 TFT Displays, 6GB each. – a lot – especially for apple built in GFX – 6 Thunderbolt 2 – Xeon E5 Processors (as always) last gen. – coming in fall so the MP will come in autumn.. – hi speed ram – 1866mhz ddr3 ecc ram – 4x ram slots – according to…

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