Jomox SunSyn OS 2.0 Update – sampling, RCO FM, ..

SunSyn OS 2.0 Update. the 2.0 update fpr Jomox Sunsyn adds short samples to the Sunsyns RCOs, but must be updated in hardware also. thats, why it is at 349€ Specs: Der Sunsyn muss zu Jomox eingeschickt werden, um den Umbau zu Version OS 2.0 durchzuführen. Vorher bitten wir Sie, mit uns telefonisch einen Termin zu vereinbaren und diesen Artikel im Webshop einzulösen und die gewünschte Zahlart auszuwählen. Danach schicken Sie das Gerät zu unserer Adresse in Berlin.Das Update beinhaltet alle Umbauten, die Firmware, einen Neuabgleich und den Test. Was…

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Sunsyn gets OS2.0

SunSyn 2.0 Update Later in 2008, we will bring out a final firmaware upgrade for SunSyn. It will add some important functions as Midi Wave import by Sysex dunp and some other improvements in OS like better autocalibration functions and better Midi performance. It will also address the system stability and offer a stable firmware bios that won´t be able to crash and frustrate our valued customers. A processor update is required, too, and so it´s neccessary for existing SunSyns that they will be shipped to Jomox or to an…

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COMPARED: Sunsyn vs. Andromeda

COMPARED THE WALDORF Q+ versus ALESIS ANDROMEDA A6 haha, no need to read german texts ;) <=> imo those are not really fair to compare because the Q is digital and the andromeda is analogue!! means: the Q+ only analogue part is the filters.. these are the oney from the pulse.. or to be exact: the ones from the xpole filters. they do not sound like any „popular vintage“.. this may be good ar bad.. the andro has moog and SEM (oberheim) filters. the andros phatness is the one that…

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Neuronal Vision – special on hi-end digital synthesizers 2005 – Hartman Neuron vs. the Neuronium

neuronal-vision? special on hi end digital machines. Hartmann (company died in 2005) Hartmann Synth overview / überblick deutsche info: unten – english: read on.. 2 PARTS – 2 TEILE – the structure of this article – wie dieser Artikel aufgebaut ist: NEURON vs. RESONATOR NEURONIUM english deutsch MODEL MAKER – Principle/Prinzip english deutsch ACHTUNG NEURON folgt einer anderen philosophie!!.. hierzu ein paar worte zur hilfestellung. und ein bisschen „philosophie und denkhilfe“.. news: scroll down – etwa nach unten scrollen! current os 1.5 / 300models news: Neuron VS ist die virtuelle…

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Jomox Neuronium / Jayemsonic: Proto – Final

NEURONAL SYNTHESIS? RESONATOR NEURONIUM JOMOX JoMoX/Jayemsonic Synth overview / überblick.. go to hartmann neuron? go here / zum hartmann neuron? special machine info: hartmann and kyma there is a new small version on the way ,called the m-resonator no midi but has some things that are in the big one, too.. too me it loks like a 2 filter FMable „chaotic“ generator, looks like an interesting new filter bank / fx box. neuronium resonator: read on.. VIDEO of the performance with the neuronium resonator at the messe / frankfurt party?…

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