Armony Circular Sequencer App

This sequencer also features scaling- don’t know if there is a circle of fifth-type of selecting your own scales since a 3rd window allows you to select it by name. sent request about MIDI.. not yet, Filippo says. But coming.. The first circle, (shown here) is the sequencer (two tracks, 16 steps). The second circle (see appstore) allows to choose a degree of a scale. This stepsequencer therefore always produces music flawlessly (tonal errors ..) In settings you can choose the scale and tone. Armony for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone…

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Lightning USB Adapter erschienen / Apple releases CamKit for Lightning (iPhone 5, iPad 4 / mini)

So, ich habe 34.95€ Apple Strafgebühr entrichtet und werde euch berichten: 1) Funktionieren USB Klaviaturen nun an neuen Lightning iOS Geräten oder nicht? 2) Gibt es einen Ausweg der billiger ist? Nein. Alle anderen Lösungen laufen nicht! UPDATE: es funktioniert NICHT, dh iPhones laufen nicht, es machte aber keinen Sinn wenn iPads auch das Problem hätten, weshalb es wohl dann nur dafür funktiniert. #epic fail ok, I did it – I put this awesome insanly expensive one more thing into the cart for 35€  ($45 US) and will check for…

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iPhone 5 + iPad Mini / Lightning Anschluss und USB-MIDI für Keyboards/Klaviaturen am iPhone 5 – wieder möglich seit 7.02 – Apple Event am 23.Okt.2012

Dear musicians – be aware of Lightning connectors do NOT work with any USB Keyboard with CamConnection kit, if you like to let them know – just tell ‚em you won’t buy things that do not support USB Keyboards as before on any iOS device.. UPDATES iOS 7.02 and higher (we are at 7.04 atm, 7.1 coming..) – FINALLY WORKS! it finally works on the iPhone 5 (5c/5s should work as well but I don’t own one to check it out) I reconnected a friends iPad 4 and my…

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Virsyn Voice Harmonizer Harmony Voice (iOs)

Harmony VoiceDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen is a Voice Harmonizing App, sing and add another Voice snd correct it, also works with acoustic instruments and make you sing the female part as well, alsocshows the accuracy of sour singing pitch / intonation The Algorithm seems much like it derived from the VST/AU Plugin Klon, which does exactly the same plus formant changing.. Gesang und monophone Instrumente doppeln per App und als Plugin – Mach (dir) deine Stimme zur Frau (Mann), verChore dich mit DualCore, nutze den Harmonizer und Tonhöhenkurve zum…

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Audiobus – connecting apps – app to app streaming!

Audiobus is an interesting way to connect to stream audio and to manipulate that audio via multiple apps. this is audio „networking/streaming“  for a bunch of audio process afficionados like’s another blog that posted about it Audiobus Approved By Apple » Synthtopia whould be great to try to connect multiple or just 2 iOS devices to be used as one „modular“ system somewhere later (when there’s enough power and the connections are fast enough to get it all done at low latencies) app-to-app audio streaming for iOS in the us app…

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