what is coming up next – NDVR & Stuff

Mosaik is a granular beat matching tool for 16×32 slots with live input with beat & transient detection. it’s so to say some kind of DJing approach but also the engine we know from Ableton Live and Bitwig which is coming to town at the same time – End of March. # this is a player not a DAW but maybe they focus on audio quality since the newer IOS devices are more and more powerful and even got 64bit. Musikmesse is near, so this is not the only one, the…

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Endeavour Evo Controllerkeyboard – lower prices / kleinere Preise.

those touch sensitive keys called Evo went in the Musikmesse at 2800€, but now they can be aquired for 1199€. endeavour GmbH – note that the missing wheels can be set that way: choose the first C – assign Mod Wheel to it, second key (D or C#) and assign it to Pitch Bend – relative or absolute – there you go. – and also note – those keys are much longer / larger than normal piano or synth/weighted keys, at least to have more room – they got a different feeling…

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