
Apple WWDC – OS X El Capitan 10.11 + iOS 9 + Apple Music (new service) – Audio Unit Plugins in iOS9

El Capitan is the name of the new OS X 10.11 (Release: Oct 2015) has some nice updates but more „minor“ stuff like swipe gesture in Mail, and real English questions in finder, spotlight and mail like „find stuff I was working for last june“ – so may fit fine into Siri commands Safari adds audio off if something start noising around it has a mute button and „pins“. and spring open Emails in Mail. So it’s nice to have but no revolution. split window/screen setup and multiple screen stuff.…

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App macOS 

µTutorial: iCloud OS X / iOS – kein Geld reinstecken/trotzdem läuft alles – how to set it up w/o sending money to Apple

iCloud – how to set it up and never use money on Apple and it „simply works“ as you want it to – English: see below! Wer 1-4 Apple OS X / iOS Geräte hat oder mehr, der muss und sollte sich überlegen, wie man die iCloud-Sachen einstellen muss. Erstmal: iCloud Drive aus! Das frisst schnell alles weg. Dann auf iPhone / iPad Cloud-Backups ausschalten, denn dafür reicht es nicht sobald man mehr als ein iOS Gerät hat! Alles andere kann man einschalten, damit das System überhaupt funktioniert, sonst bekommt…

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Apple New 12″ Macbook – no fan(s), USB C & audio jacks (only), Retina Display, but expensive as hell

(deutscher Text unten / German text see below) Apple just have released quite cost intensive flat macs, without fans. That means they don’t get fans? No, it means – the put in a dual core processor that is almost optimized for mobile use at 5W of power – but it is running at 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 GHz and can boost up to 2.4, 2.6 or 2.9 – depends on what you dare to add to the not so low price of more than 1400€. (the 512 GB SSD is…

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App DAW macOS 

Camel Audio is now owned by Apple – Apple kauft Camel Audio

it’s now for sure – Camel Audio has been acquired by Apple. As a user we can refer to CA’s service until this Summer / July. So expect something to come in Logic / Garage Band 10.2 right? And Apps? Expect no Windows stuff anymore! New „formal“ Address is now Apple London / (Heather Joy Morrison), that’s why it is known now – not that Apple ever have posted something official ;) Ja, Camel Audio (Alchemy und diverse Plugins wie „Space“ und „Phat“..) gehören jetzt Apple, dh. wir können wohl…

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DAW macOS 

Logic Pro X10.1 (2015)

hey, Apple seems to keep working on Logic X – and .. not being at NAMM (I think) here is a run down image stolen from CDN – see link above! – since apple .. well – never got an NFR or so.. so.. Automation by regions org’ed plugins multi touch EQ support + app retro synth + wavetables (so this is catching up with retrologue etc.) A NEW COMPRESSOR <—!!! the old one was sooo $%$%!! new quantize mode called „smart quantize“ names can be seen – got handles…

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Yosemite updates to 10.10.1 / iOS to 8.1.1 – both well recommended – sollte man installieren!

Since Yosemite wasn’t perfect on WLAN speed and iOS 8.XX needed some tweaks – now / today there’s both and I‘ recommend to install both – it’s about reliance on and with everything over „the air“. It has fixed a little start-problem with Safari on my Mac Pro, while the MBP has been ok before – but both feel a lot faster when it’s about things on the internet (WLAN/Wifi) – so they finally found the bugs. ios is just a bit fast on older devices – which is welcome.…

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App macOS 

Was aktuelle Apple Geräte mit OS X 10.10 für Musiker bedeuten – Tipps für OS X und iOS

Das neueste iPad Air 2 ist laut Geekbench3(ich verlinkt mal die Gesamtliste aller Macs) so schnell wie ein Macbook Air von 2014 und besitzt 2GB RAM und 3 Kerne und ist deshalb erneut leistungsfähiger als dessen Vorgänger. Perfekt für die Musik und Synthesizer sowie die Kombination über Audiobus erlaubt komplexe Sounds. Man kann bekanntlich das iPad jetzt über Bluetooth MIDI, WLAN (nur direkt, nicht über einen Rooter; wie das geht habe ich mal hier beschrieben und wo was zu klicken ist). So kann man nun das iPad via Logic in…

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