Waldorf Nave App – Wavetables reloaded

so, nun ist der im SynMag und auf der Messe angekündigte Waldorf Nave. Das ist eine iOs App auf Basis von Wavetables und ist sowohl in seiner Komplexität mit Modmatrix und Wavetable-Synthese als auch sonst ein eigenständiger Synthesizer – natürlich drängt sich der Vergleich mit dem PPG Wavegenerator auf, der nun seinen Erfinder Wolfgang Palm als Konkurrenz hat. Allerdings ist dies nun basiert auf die 3D Darstellung der Waves und es gibt eine Abteilung für Formant-Spectrum Manipulation. Dazu mehr, wenn ich die App selbst mal in Betrieb sehe. Knapp 11€…

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Stria iOs – 240 FM Operators and John Chowning

this allows the use of 240 FM Oscillators. It’s NOT a DX7, but John Chowning once had a hard time to do this, so that was in 1977, now it’s time for an app that does all of it – still wish for a nice 6OP FM DX7/FS1R/SY99 kind of app! I love FM, I will always love you!! Stria for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store. and here’s John Chownings work from the 70’s: he is the father of the Yamaha dx /TG/  SY99 /fs1r series, they bought it out…

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soh.la bip repeat-record instantly with very minimal edit functions

bip.is a special app that works like an always enabled drum repeat – recording will work like touching the pads as normal but with repeat on, a very simple editing of samples – so may be fun at 4.50€ – did not check it myself – but here’s a video: this minimalism could be cool, but as said – hard to tell – depends a lot on sample upload to the app or not,.. anyway looks like a nice idea that simple way it looks could be sort of a…

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Armony Circular Sequencer App

This sequencer also features scaling- don’t know if there is a circle of fifth-type of selecting your own scales since a 3rd window allows you to select it by name. sent request about MIDI.. not yet, Filippo says. But coming.. The first circle, (shown here) is the sequencer (two tracks, 16 steps). The second circle (see appstore) allows to choose a degree of a scale. This stepsequencer therefore always produces music flawlessly (tonal errors ..) In settings you can choose the scale and tone. Armony for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone…

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