Synthstrom Audible Deluge Groovebox Version 3.2 Wavetables + MPE
Deluge bis Version 3.0
Der Deluge ist sehr gut gepflegt worden – sogar so gut, dass man ein neues Tastenlayout machen kann. Dafür gibt es Overlays – weil es sind doch zahlreiche Dinge passiert:
1) Es gibt jetzt Clips und damit Audio – a la Ableton und Looper – für das Live-Einspielen direkt in das Gerät –
2) es gibt sogar ein eingebautes Micro und kann als USB Host arbeiten – für den Anschluss von USB Keyboards (da die Hersteller sich weigern MIDI-Keyboards mit 3 Oktaven und MIDI zu bauen)
3) Es gibt etliche neue Funktionen, wie etwa die Anzeige von Wellenformen und Benennung kann jetzt direkt mit den Pads eingetippt werden.
Das Update gibt es stets gratis – Drüber reden kann man im Forum auch gern.

mxpand habe ich hier mal vorgestellt.
Der Newsletter dazu:
* Audio Clips (Zusätzlich zu: in addition to synth, kit, CV and MIDI)
* Live looping of audio and instrument / MIDI clips, including easy overdubbing / layering, and automatic tempo setting
* Audio clip live looping includes option to record additional audio „margins“ either side of loop (from before you even pressed record), to allow a brief crossfade to eliminate click at loop point
* Auto-extending of clip length during note recording
* Recording count-in
* Recording audio or MIDI directly into arrangement tracks
* Audio thru
* Alphanumeric keyboard, allowing text-based names of presets and files
* Deleting of audio and preset files
* New preset-loading interface, with „clone“ function for adding multiple preset instances
* USB host mode for MIDI devices
* Ability to switch off automatic sample previewing
* Expanded MIDI control of functions for pedal control of live looping
* Further CPU optimizations to allow an even greater number of sounds to be played at once
Sept 2019
Das Deluge manual wurde automatisch aktualisiert. Das ist online.
Samplers look like controllers, controllers like samplers or Sequencers. This one is a hardware sequencer and reminds of the Novation Ciruit – that got the 3rd update to make sampling possible (or at least to upload your own samples to it).
UPDATE: how it looks like – finally 720+50€ + VAT is quite a price – and that’s for pre-orderers, the final one will be more towards the 1k€.
Here’s something new from a new company called the Deluge“ –
let’s liste the features – but also tell: it’s a prototype, it has no price and there are 20 users so far, so it will be posted later..
atm it is:
Sequencer, Synth, Sampler
16×8 Pads, all colour LED Pads
Min 48, up to 64 voices (dynamically by DSP power)
64MB RAM, 32GB exp. via SD Card
12 min sample time per sample
FX and classic structures, multimode filter, ENVs, LFOs (not exactly known atm)
4 Waveforms (Synth)
MIDI in/out, USB
2x CV, 4x Gate out, Trigger In (Clock)
Battery inside
built in speaker / microphone – mobile concept!
has hz/v and 0-X V/okt with adjustment
start: 25.9.2016
Düsseldorf und Berlin and one in my home – thanks for that! really nice!
Diese Tastaturen und USB Geräte laufen am USB Port mit dem Deluge als Host:
- Akai APCmini
- Akai APC40 MK2
- Akai LPK25
- Akai MPD218
- Akai MPK 249
- Akai MPK Mini (1st Generation)
- Akai MidiMIX
- Alesis qx25
- Alesis V49
- Arturia Keystep (NB: USB midi input works great. Deluge will sync to internal clock of Keystep. Keystep still requires CV clock when trying to use the deluge clock.)
- Arturia Microfreak
- Arturia Microlab
- Arturia Minilab Mk I
- Arturia Minilab Mk2.
- Axoloti+MTM
- Behringer X-Touch Mini
- C-thru-music AXIS-49
- CraftRhythm – Modal
- Craft Synth 2.0
- DSI Rev2
- Faderfox (UC-4)
- FaderFox PC4
- IK Multimedia iRig Pads
- Joué
- Keith McMillen BopPad
- Keith Mc Millen K Board
- KeithMcMillen QuNeo
- Korg nanoKEY Studio
- Korg nanoKEY2
- Korg microKEY Air 37
- Korg microKontrol
- Korg Minilogue XD
- Korg Monologue
- Korg Padkontrol KPC1
- Launchpad Pro (NB: sometimes, not 100% yet)
- Launch control XL (NB: if plugged into Deluge after booting with
- another USB-MIDI device)
- LinnSrument
- M-Audio Keystation 49e
- Modal Skulpt
- Moog Grandmother
- Nektar Panorama P6
- Nord Lead A1
- Novation Circuit
- Novation Circuit Mono Station
- Novation SL MK2 49 key
- Roland A01
- Roli Seaboard Rise – tested in Piano mode
- Roli Seaboard Block
- Roli Lighpad M – tested in note mode set to single channel MIDI
- Sensel Morph
- Teenage Engineering OP-Z & OP-1
- UNO synth
- V-meter
- Xkey Air25
- Yamaha Reface
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