Synthesizer Patches
Moogulator – Patches & Sounds.Area-
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Synthesizer Audio / Soundfiles & Patches these are sounds that I use in my own (ConseQuence or better MOOGULATOR)-Tracks.. Also find some audiodemos for q-rious people and patches for Synths etc..maybe you’ll find some of these in some conseQuence tracks / CDs :-) DOWNLOADAREA- for everything from Audio/mp3 Synthdemos to Synthesizerpatches etc.. please dont forget to switch off any SysEx filters/set SysEx to on and device ID = 0. |
Synthesizer Audio / Soundfiles & Patches viele von diesen Sounds benutze ich auch in meinen (Moogulator oder ConseQuence)-Tracks.. Außerdem gibts es hier Audiodemos für Neugierige und Patches für Synths etc.. einfach mal unter dem gewünschten Synthesizer nachsehen… DOWNLOADBEREICH für allesmögliche von Audio/mp3 Synthdemos bis zu Synthesizerpatches und auch dem Synthesizerdiplom.. nicht vergessen: device ID auf 0 setzen bei den patches und sysex emfangsseitig einschalten (SysEx mode=on o.ä.) |
SOUNDS/Patches |
SOUNDS(=Patches) und Hörbeispiele und „Datenfleisch“ (Audiodemos/mp3’s) zu: |
what? / synth.. kind english description.. deutsch FORUM ask everything, post URLs on sound programming etc.. in the FORUM alle fragen zum soundbau und infos eigene sounds und URLs im FORUM.. DRUMSETS samples a nu electro drumset
made for the german keys magazine (release 7.may 2004) , use envelopes of your sampler or software (VCA envelope) to make it click’n’cuts and nu electro!!
make use of the endings! ;)
it’s all WAV at 16bit. 20 samples
btw: it’s only one synthesizer used here.. ;)
download.. ein nu electro drumset
fürs keys magazin, hab ich ein paar electro samples gebastelt.. übrigens alle mit einem einzigen synthesizer ;) unbedingt eine VCA hüllkurve nutzen um die samplelängen zu variieren. auch sample start modulieren bringt sehr viel ,besonders für clicks’n’cuts und nu electro sounds..
it’s all WAV at 16bit. 20 samples
HEFT kommt am 7.5.2004
download folgt... drumsamples
impulse responses for hall plugins like space designer , SIR , prosoniq rayverb.. URLs grab em from the forum
(drums and also IR’S 4 free)
german but lots of samples..:
keys issue 6/2004 especially my set and others by some known e-artists.. ;)
need this : ( free soundfont player
at classics.
even Roland space echo (!!)
more IR’s more recent check the forum: hier im forum gibts ne aktuelle liste von drumsounds und impulsantworten für faltungshall
(sowieso sehr klasse, auch IR’S für faltungshall 4 free)
bei bernie gibts auch EINIGES:
keys heft 6/2004 siehe oben ;)
dazu : ( free soundfont player
und auch bei keyboards zum download..
Bei gibts ein paar Klassiker.
ochwas für impulsantworten
sogar eins vom Roland space echo (!!)
viel spass.. oben hab ich noch einiges reineditiert
und im forum gibts noch mehr und aktuelles..
mehr IR’s wie zB auch hier: Synthesizer / Synthesis.. Synthesizer / Synthesis.. Synthesizer allgemein – Synthese.. Synthesizer / Synthesis.. Synthesizer Text GERMAN ONLY (sorry) GERMAN ONLY: Synthdiplom (only makes sense if you can read german…) DOWNLOAD as PDF. the audiofiles from the CD are here (complete): ask me!/post to the forum: Synthesizer? wie klingt ein Ringmodulator? Wavetables? Filter? Kammfilter? etc..
BEISPIELE zum Synthesizer-Glossar hierSynthdiplom (gut für Einsteiger und für ein paar Infos auch zu Wavetables und einiges mehr, allgeimein zu digitalen Synthesizern und auch b.sonderes.. naja lies selbst…) zum DOWNLOAD als PDF.
NEU: die CD dazu komplett hier: auf anfrage! Synthesizer
Synthesis.. Synthesizer / Synthesis.. Synthesizer / Synthesis.. some basic sounddemos..
how does a comb filter sound? a ringmodulator? or FM? what is an envelope? etc.. basic mp3 audiodemos are here.. ENSONIQ SQ80, ESQ1, ESQ-m ENSONIQ SQ80, ESQ1, ESQ-m ENSONIQ SQ80, ESQ1, ESQ-m ENSONIQ SQ80, ESQ1, ESQ-m „Wavesequencing“ Trick the CONSEQUENCER sounds like this: click to hear! more info on that here. der CONSEQUENCER klingt so: klick zum hören! (mehr dazu hier) ein „Wavesequence“-Trick für die EnsoniqSynths..
more info on the Xpander.. OBERHEIM Xpander
mehr Info zum Xpander… OBERHEIM Xpander leadpad? Patch & mp3 This is a „sound carpet“ that is (as every patch) mod’able: Velocity and Controllers.. hear it now download patch Ein Klangteppich mit „jedemenge“ Controllerzeugs (wie alle Xpanderpatches) .. hear it now download patch Xpander pad? Patch & mp3 Listen to this if you want some ambient swelling pad and some fm within..hear it now download patch Ein Ambientgeeigneter Teppich mit eingewebter FM ;-)).. hear it now download patch Xpander FX Patch & mp3 Some strange and maybe most „digital“ sounding FX modable from a bass to a modulating FM ???? (you name it?) any name suggestions? email me ;-).. hear it now download patch Some strange and maybe most „digital“ sounding FX modable from a bass to a modulating FM ???? (you name it?) any name suggestions? email me ;-).. hear it now download patch Xpander Patch those evil factory sounds (i do not use them..)
as ZIP
as SIT (mac stuffit) die bösen werkssounds des xpanders.. (nutze sie nicht aber.. für die dies brauchen..)
als ZIP
als SIT (mac stuffit) Oberheim Xpander Audiofile (mp3) Xpander – Audiodemo Demo1,Demo2Did this as demo for my review at amazona (german only, sorry!!!)
more info on the Xpander.. Audiodemo zum Review auf amazona:
Xpander – Audiodemo Demo1,Demo2Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf
mehr Info zum Xpander… Clavia NORD MODULAR Clavia NORD MODULAR Clavia NORD MODULARClavia NORD MODULAR
achtung: zum download im browser bitte per option (rechtsklick oder ctrl mausklick) speichern, da die nord-patches ACSII-files sind,die der computer als dokument öffnen kann, aber nicht soll :) NORD MODULAR patch & trixx trix how to make the filters sound phat & broad.. before-after patches for download (click here and scroll down)! here! trix zum aufdicken und breiter machen der filter! hier klicken und nach unten scrollen
mit soundbeispielen zum runterladen! NORD MODULAR a bit like the Emu-Z-plane samplers/synths.. Patch First one that sounds a bit like the Emu-Z-plane samplers/synths.. well I was inspired by this.. but I also included a morph between the Z-plane and normal filter sound.. turn those knobs.. see the notes for details in the nord editor knob 1 is for morphing from normal to Z, knobs 4 and 16 influence the „vocalization“.. so to say the zplane parameters.. its a bit between vocal and voice stuff..well, some xtensions can be: mod those with LFOs,ENVs,.. and if you have found something nice feel free to mail it to me.. I love feedback: EMAIL -> consequence / moogulator
click here for download the „zplane morph“ (Mac & PC) First one that sounds a bit like the Emu-Z-plane samplers/synths.. well I was inspired by this.. but I also included a morph between the Z-plane and normal filter sound.. turn those knobs.. see the notes for details in the nord editor knob 1 is for morphing from normal to Z, knobs 4 and 16 influence the „vocalization“.. so to say the zplane parameters.. its a bit between vocal and voice stuff..well, some xtensions can be: mod those with LFOs,ENVs,.. and if you have found something nice feel free to mail it to me.. I love feedback
click here for download the „zplane morph“ (Mac & PC) NORD MODULAR FX Snare Patch revsnarrre.pch: Kind of „Gated Reverb eh.. „Snare““.. play around!! DOWNLOADheres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. revsnarrre.pch: Sowas wie ein „Gated Reverb eh.. „Schnarrre““ oderso.. einfach mal damit rumspielen!! DOWNLOADein mp3 zum schnellhören NORD MODULAR for lovers of FM and.. maybe lovers of autechre’s „basscadet“..and my track „gridlock„ Patch here’s a sound for lovers of FM and. maybe lovers of autechre.. it is a bit like the one found in „basscadet“ .. yes.. the metallic one.. well I did something with this characterism.. it is sequenced.. turn all the knobs.. its also a highly morph/tweakable FM Synth… so also suitable for non-autechnicians :-).. slightly changed this sound because I used the original in my track „gridlock“ (no its no basscadet copy.. sure.. check it out yourself.. its the one that kicks in at here for download the „conSEQ_autechFM“ (Mac & PC) here’s a sound for lovers of FM and.. maybe lovers of autechre.. it is a bit like the one found in „basscadet“ .. yes.. the metallic one.. well I did something with this characterism.. it is sequenced.. turn all the knobs.. its also a highly morph/tweakable FM Synth… so also suitable for non-autechnicians :-) ich habe den sound etwas geändert.. da die originalversion in meinen Track „gridlock“ verwendet wird.. jetzt auch online zu hören.. kommt ab 2:30 here for download the „conSEQ_autechFM“ (Mac & PC)
NORD MODULAR Patchinfo typ „coming s.o.o.n“ –>> habe massig neue patches mit neuen ringmod formen und selbstmodulation gebastelt.. meist eher avantgardistisch, aber sehr musikalisch, wenn auch mehr für „intelligent elektro“- freunde interessant.. muss noch auswählen,was davon online kommen soll.. NORD MODULAR Patch snare2 a simple snare,has a nice noise section in the „elektro“/TR- style.
DOWNLOAD „gnuph SNARE“ eine simple snare,die einfach ein bisschen stellbare rauschfahne hat.. richtung „elektro“/TR.
DOWNLOAD „gnuph SNARE“ NORD MODULAR Patch 3D-turn-yourself-sounds. this is more an idea than a good patch.. connect the 4 outputs to 4 loudspeakers: yes place them around you and turn the knobs.. you are surrounded by some sequences.. well, maybe it’s inspiring.. hope so!!
DOWNLOAD variation 1
DOWNLOAD variation 2
DOWNLOAD variation 3 natürlich ist der nord eine gute idee, mehrkanalton zu machen, dazu bitte die 4 boxen an die outs 1-4 anschliessen!.. hier ein paar patches, um das kreisen um den hörer zum verrücktwerden und liebhaben erzeugt ;) soll eigentlich nur animieren, viiiel bessere „surround-sounds“ zu basteln! – hier zählt mehr die idee..
DOWNLOAD variante 1
DOWNLOAD variante 2
DOWNLOAD variante 3 NORD MODULAR more nord patches..
here Very simple Texteditor for quick edit especially the Nord Patches that have been „slightly mutilated“ by Net-Transport.. Program(me) ok for now.. sometimes you need to fool around in nord mod patches… ok there is simpletxt.. here is a silly prog for having a look at it (very simple!!)…. I called it the FilemelQer.. and.. i did it for mayself… (have you ever molken a file?)
for MAC(zipped,around 350KB) ..
JAVA works on Mac,PC,Linux ok for now.. sometimes you need to fool around in nord mod patches… ok there is simpletxt.. here is a silly prog for having a look at it (very simple!!)…. I called it the FilemelQer.. and.. i did it for myself… (have you ever molken a file?)
(zipped,around 350KB) on Mac,PC,Linux
NORD MODULAR Program(me) get more pc/mac apps tools heretools for „controllerizing“ your patches automatically and much more helpful tools for your nord modular and micro modular.. download from here pc / mac programme für nord modular und micromodular hierzB: tool zum controllerisieren deiner patches (automatisch) und mehr.. download hier BLACET
Analogue Modular
(modules) BLACET
Analogue Modular
(modules) BLACET analoges Modular
system (module) BLACET
Analogue Modular
(modules) mp3 Audio Olivier Gerber did some nice (4) mp3’s to listen to the blacet modules Klangwerk, Filter und Time-Machine . And yes, its really the Blacet-modules only! So the self oscillating FinalFiltre IS THEEE „Oszillator“. (just in case you got the ID’a that you might hear the filter here ;-)) here we go:
Filter and Delay
Ringmodulation, Filter and Delay
and a.gain same configuration (Ringmodulation, Filter and Delay)
and again (Ringmodulation, Filter and Delay)
in general: no FX and only very very mino EQing (damping). Aaaaand Blacet does not make complete modular system.. only modulaes (just for the record) Olivier „Sägezahn“ Gerber hat netterweise 4 mp3’s gemacht um die Module Klangwerk, Filter und Time-Machine mal anzuhören. Es sind wirklich nur Blacet-Module. Das Selbstoszillierende FinalFiltre dient als „Oszillator“. (Also das mir keiner auf die ID kommt das man da einen Filtersound wirklich hört ;-)) Da sind also:
Filter und Delay
Ringmodulation, Filter und Delay
und nochmal diesselbe Konfiguration (Ringmodulation, Filter und Delay)
und nochmal (Ringmodulation, Filter und Delay)
generell: keine FX und nur superminimale EQ Dämpfung. und blacet stellt einzelne Module her, keine kompletten Modularsystem.. nur der Richtigkeithalber.. WALDORF Microwave XT / XTk, MW2 WALDORF Microwave XT / XTk, MW2 WALDORF Microwave XT / XTk, MW2 WALDORF Microwave XT,MW2, … Wavetable Audiofile (mp3) listen to some of my Wavetables?? want to know how they sound? here are some of mine, the last one is a ROM Wave … Hier schonmal ein paar selbstgebastelte Wavetables.. nurso zum hören, alles eigene ausser die letzte… Microwave XT,MW2, … some special Rhythm.. XT Patch -here’s some nice Rhythm Sound for the XT .. press and hold C1 and listen to it…
DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)heres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. -here’s some nice Rhythm Sound for the XT .. press and hold C1 and listen to it…
DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)ein mp3 zum schnellhören Microwave XT,MW2, … An Arpeggiator sound without the Arpeggiator? XT Patch if you ever wanted to know what you could do with the WaveENV.. here’s a CONSEQUENCEr without using the Arpeggiator but… turn the wheel to slow it down (listen at the slowest speed: do you feel those Ryhtm Boxes..) .. try using other Wavetables & Experiment with the WaveENV.. it is a StepSeq here!!!.. you want it faster? change the sign in the ModMatrix (to plus 63).. then turn up the Wheel again..
DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only) if you ever wanted to know what you could do with the WaveENV.. here’s a CONSEQUENCEr without using the Arpeggiator but… turn the wheel to slow it down (listen at the slowest speed: do you feel those Ryhtm Boxes..) .. try using other Wavetables & Experiment with the WaveENV.. it is a StepSeq here!!!.. you want it faster? change the sign in the ModMatrix (to plus 63).. then turn up the Wheel again..
DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only) Microwave XT,MW2, … Nord Lead Synched Noise Emulation XT
Patch I had some idea of „emulating“ the Nord Leads „Synched Noise“on the XT/MW2…. it consists of 11 noisy OSC shapes.. my patch that I wanted to emulate was the one on Real?OR.noT.1 Track „Why.noT“.. and played in a different way in another track on Real?OR.noT.2: fallen / being dropped .. with pitch bending.. now here’s the :original sound:and here are the XT files.. yes, it works on both MAC and PC!!
I tried a Wavetable then… I could not bring it much nearer because too many digital artefacts.. adjust keytrack on wave and modmatrix… if you’ve got a better one.. send it to me!!! DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
if you have Sounddiver get this.. it is much more convenient: DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only) I had some idea of „emulating“ the
Nord Leads „Synched Noise“on the XT/MW2. it consists of 11 noisy OSC shapes.. my patch that I wanted to emulate was the one on Real?OR.noT.1 Track „Why.noT“.. and played in a different way in another track on Real?OR.noT.2: fallen / being dropped .. with pitch bending.. now here’s the :original sound:and here are the XT files.. yes, it works on both MAC and PC!!
I tried a Wavetable then… I could not bring it much nearer because too many digital artefacts.. adjust keytrack on wave and modmatrix… if you’ve got a better one.. send it to me!!! DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
if you have Sounddiver get this.. it is much more convenient: DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only) Microwave XT,MW2, … Nord Lead Synched Noise Inspiration XT
Patch HANS HEEROOMS did some more and some noisier Inspirations of the NORD LEAD Synched noise (Sounddiver),too..DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)This is the .MID (SMF) Version for other Sequencers/etc. DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
HANS HEEROOMS‘ first SynchedNoise sounds are here (Sounddiver): DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
->If you want to contact Hans? See Hans‘ Site: he’s got a nice helpful Spectra Diagram there!: HANS HEEROOMS did some more and some noisier Inspirations of the NORD LEAD Synched noise (Sounddiver),too..DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)This is the .MID (SMF) Version for other Sequencers / etc. DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
HANS HEEROOMS‘ first SynchedNoise sounds are here (Sounddiver): DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
->If you want to contact Hans? See Hans‘ Site: he’s got a nice helpful Spectra Diagram there!: Microwave XT,MW2, … Audio Here’s what you always consider: use the extra filter modulation in case of the BPF you can mod the Bandwidth.. thats greaaat.. try Velocity or an LFO…this one is my absolute fave BPF-sound.. like yello or something.. the cool thing is the modable BPF-width…
heres a demo..
this is the Patch (new):load it Hier eine Idee was man mit dem Filter Extra Parameter machen kann, dieshier ist ein massig modulierter BPF mit modulierter Bandbreite!! ja das geht!!.. einfach Extra modulieren.. zb Velocity..mein absoluter lieblings BPF-Sound.. irgendwo zwischen Yello und wasweisich.. was daran cool ist: naja der XT hat einen super BPF der per extraparameter die BPF-weite modulieren kann..
hier issne Demo (audio/mp3)
hier ist das Patch! (NEU):laden Microwave XT,MW2, … Wavetables &Patch Here’s a set of Boele Gerkes own Wavetables.. find more info here and download the sound here Hier ist ein ganzes Set von Wavetables von Boele Gerkes .. mehr Info und steht hier und download: hier WALDORF Q
Q WALDORF micro/Q forum One soundset! the first „allstars“ soundset that was done by the waldi-forum/mailinglist.. ;)
DOWNLOAD Hier das Soundset welches im Waldiforum entstanden ist.. DOWNLOAD WALDORF Q How does the Combfilter sound? Audiofile (mp3) first let me play around with the Comb-filter.. this is how it CAN sound: COMB ME NOW and click here!of course you can do much more with it such as planger/phaser things, „physical modelling“ stuff (use noise and the Comb at high resonance) and you can get some „string type“ sound like in my „Atem der Maschinen“ on consequence (free for download).. good luck.. we have 2 Combs or another filter of your choice to do some more strange things or to filter away high noises etc.. blablablah… more: see the „VOCODER without Vocoder FX!!“ ..eine kleine Kammfilterdemo: so KANN ein Kammfilter klingen.. andere Anwendungen sind natürlich „physical modelling“ ähnliche sachen (Noise drauf und hohe Resonance) wie in meinem Track „Atem der Maschinen“ in nicht voller Reinkultur aber erkennbar „streichend“ zu hören ist..
unter audio data auf: klar das auch flanger/phaserzeug damit geht.. schliesslich ist es ja das Grundprinzip eines Kamms.. und gut für die Frisur.. gut das es 2 filter gibt so kann man nachbearbeiten oder nocheinen Kamm einbauen für Leute die besonders strubbelig klingende Sounds glätten wollen!?!? ;-) MEHR dazu weiter unten unter „Vocoder“ mit anderen Mitteln.. Q 6OP FM??? Patch I was making some suggestion and here is a patch to use the Q’s very fast LFOs as FM OPerators (well.. in fact OSCillators).. to get at least 6OP.. heres one of the results.. maybe it helps to find your way into new sounds..??.. isn’t it true? see your Q as another Synth, what was it?? this is a VA?? huh?? no its an FM Synth!!.. think this way and you get another kind of sound… aaaaand btw: I put some „room“ into it using the FilterRouting!!.. Here is an audiofile (mp3): LISTEN(overwrites B93) DOWNLOAD Hier ist ein Patch für FM Spass mit der Kuh.. die LFOs spielen OPeratoren (Oszillatoren?).. also quasi 6OP FM.. hier ist eins meiner Ergebnisse: es bringt auch viel mal mit diesem Gedanken neue Sounds zu machen, was ist ein Virtuell Analoger?? ist die Kuh nicht immerschon ne FM Kuh gewesen, hö? uuuund nochwas: mit dem FilterRouting hab ich hier ein bisschen räumlichkeit reingebaut..hier ist ein Audiofile (mp3): HÖREN(überschreibt B93) DOWNLOAD Q NEW: Voice Melo using Wavetables in the Q plus.. ehm..
Patch a bit like Tomita… this is a strange voicelike sound for chords and melodies.. play it and listen.. hmm? some1 singing in the background or what??.. uses OS3.0 ;-) download da singt doch einer oder? spiel doch mal ein paar Melodien und Akkorde.. bisschen wie Tomita?.. benötigt OS3.0 ;-) download Q a voice??? (fun)! Patch very sick „voice“ of some sort of ??? islamic cat crying?? or so.. (overwrites A17) DOWNLOAD irgendwie superkranke Stimme einer islamischen Katze die grade zum Iman ernannt worden ist?? (overwrites A17) DOWNLOAD Q Big Bass but digital? Patch Q-Noise G.raffel (do NEVER try to translate this Word!)
more bass: turn up cutoff 1!! (watch the speakers)
more live: route Velocity to Filter Decay +50 or more.. as you like!
(overwrites B72) DOWNLOADheres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. Q-Noise G.raffel (do Naja– digitaler Bass.. irgendwo zwischen allem..
mehr bass: cutoff 1 hochziehen!! (watch the speakers)
mehr leben?: route Velocity auf den Filter Decay +50 und mehr (weniger?).. wie du eben willst.!
(überschreibt B72) DOWNLOADein mp3 zum schnellhören Q esoteric?? Patch RhythmHiHarmoniQShraQ (sounds like this!)
this is a soudn that I made from my Metal Hammer Patch.. with very High Harmonics.. Play a Tune maybe tranmogrifies you into a snorC! Those are strange pets here on Mars (North) dunno about the south..
Tips: turn down Filter ENV Decay and check those harmonics and play with dynamics in your fingers..
this may be a good starting point for new sounds (patches welcome here: EMAIL -> consequence / moogulator)
also.. Imagine a „soundbowl“..mixed with some other Metal Machine and some esoteric things..
play with it.. play dynamic melodies..
(overwrites B02)
DOWNLOADheres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. RhythmHiHarmoniQShraQ (sounds like this!)
dashier hab ich aus dem Schmiedehammer gebastelt.. viele Höhen und dynamikzeux.. gut auch als Basis für weitere Sounds (Filtern!!).. Einfach mal ne Melodie spielen!!.. so den rest hab ich keine lust zu übersetzen.. habs eilig.. ;-) with very High Harmonics.. Play a Tune maybe tranmogrifies you into a snorC! Those are strange pets here on Mars (North) dunno about the south..
Tips: turn down Filter ENV Decay and check those harmonics and play with dynamics in your fingers..
this may be a good starting point for new sounds (patches welcome here: EMAIL -> consequence / moogulator)
also.. Imagine a „soundbowl“..mixed with some other Metal Machine and some esoteric things..
play with it.. play dynamic melodies..
(überschreibt: B02)
DOWNLOADein mp3 zum schnellhören Q blacksmiths‘ drop hammer Patch Rhyhmetall: this is a percussive drop-hammer (do you see the blacksmith??) good for any kind of industrial, intelligent etc.. also used in my tracks.. I really like these kind of sounds!
the basis for the one with the strange Name above ;-)
(overwrites: A99)
DOWNLOADheres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. Rhyhmetall: Das hier ist ein Industriell gefertigter Schmiedehammer zum rumdengeln auf nem Amboss!! wo ist der Schmied?? good for any kind of industrial, intelligent etc.. also used in my tracks.. I really like these kind of sounds!
dashier ist die Basis für den komischen Esosound da einen Eintrag über diesem ;-)
(überschreibt: A99)
DOWNLOADein mp3 zum schnellhören Q PPG-like Patch this is a PPG like sound I did on the Q.. note: I did this before Waldorf put the Wavetables into the Q.. if you want you could call it an inspiration of PPG/Wavetable synthesis and the XT(k)/MW/MW2 range.. the secret behind it is using detune and filter / Resonance / Drive… play and hold some keys down.. for me this is the sound where I need to check if the XT is now playing or is it the Q??.. judge by ya’self.. here is the .mid files I saved using Logic (warning: overwrites the sound at 11): DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
heres an mp3 for quick prelistening.. this is a PPG like sound I did on the Q.. note: I did this before Waldorf put the Wavetables into the Q.. if you want you could call it an inspiration of PPG/Wavetable synthesis and the XT(k)/MW/MW2 range.. the secret behind it is using detune and filter / Resonance / Drive… play and hold some keys down.. for me this is the sound where I need to check if the XT is now playing or is it the Q??.. judge by ya’self.. here is the .mid files I saved using Logic (warning: overwrites the sound at 11): DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
ein mp3 zum schnellhören Q „Vocoder“ not using the Vocoder FX!! (Combfilter..) Patch
Audiofiles Here’s some sort of vocoder for the Q(at OS1.18 it had still no vocoder in the FX section… so THIS is made without VocoderFX)
But thy this and attach a microphone to the Q (via subgroup out..or so from the mixer) I saved the .mid Patch using Logic.. will store at B037 … ALSO: you can „emulate“ guitar / plucked/bowed string instruments using this patch,too: DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
I also have some RA(Real Audio) soundfiles on the above vocoder „emulation“ for listenening here!!! :
1. Vocoder Classic Audio Demo ->click
3. „Tapped“ / Plucked Guitar „emulation“ Here’s some sort of Vocoder for the Q(at OS1.18 it had still no vocoder in the FX section… so THIS is made without VocoderFX)
But thy this and attach a microphone to the Q (via subgroup out..or so from the mixer) I saved the .mid Patch using Logic.. will store at B037 … ALSO: you can „emulate“ guitar / plucked/bowed string instruments using this patch,too: DOWNLOAD (hold SHIFT and click or select „.mid“ in applications menu (Preferences) to save to disk only)
I also have some RA(Real Audio) soundfiles on the above vocoder „emulation“ for listenening here!!! :
1. Vocoder Classic Audio Demo ->click
3. „Tapped“ / Plucked Guitar „emulation“ Q Audiofile (mp3) THE REAL VOCODER in the Q (in since OS1.20 / 3rd of Feb.2000) sounds like this (the text is spoken in german but its easy: I use the external in and the second fx is a samperate reducer which I turn down from 44.1khz to 30khz then 10khz down to 5khz.. (you can put it down to 2.6Hz (!!!:-) ) is an mp3 just for listening.. :download mp3 Der „richtige“ VOCODER in der Kuh:Q (got in since OS1.20 3rd of Feb.2000 will be online at Waldorf on 8.2.) sounds like this (the text is spoken in german but its easy: I use the external in and the second fx is a samperate reducer which I turn down from 44.1khz to 30khz then 10khz down to 5khz.. (you can put it down to 2.6Hz (!!!:-) ) is an mp3 just for listening.. :download mp3 microQ Audiofile (mp3) the microQ Audiodemo Demo1,Demo2Done for the review at (german only, sorry!!!) (micro)Q Audiodemo..Demo1,Demo2 Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf microQ Patches.. microQ Patches: one bombastic FM/Wavetable Landscape (Kuh&Stall) and an „ex“ Bass that feeds the Sub-Area.. with vocal touch.. (delrmSub)Done for the review at (german only, sorry!!!) microQ Patches: one bombastic FM/Wavetable Landscape (Kuh&Stall) and an „ex“ Bass that feeds the Sub-Area.. with vocal touch.. (delrmSub)Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf MiniMoog the presets! the most important 32 patches for the minimoog.. DOWNLOAD harhar.. ;) back to Synthesizer-Area?.. to the Waldorf-Area? .. ..just click on SYNTHESIZER and follow the Menu.. Disclaimer: uploading these stuff to your synths and computers is at your own risk.. I am not responsible for any probs that might come up.. especially you should assume that the synth’s programs will be overwirtten by the new patch..!! of course I do not cover any damage that you might think these patches and prog’s caused on your synth or amp or whatever… :-) Waldorf micro Q+
Oberheim Xpander Audiodemos und Patches zu meinen Reviews auf www.amazona.deXpander – Audiodemo Demo1,Demo2
Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf
(micro) Q Audiodemo Demo1,Demo2
Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf
microQ Patches: one bombastic FM/Wavetable Landscape (Kuh&Stall) and an „ex“ Bass that feeds the Sub-Area.. with vocal touch.. (delrmSub)
Diese Demo habe ich gemacht als Audiodemo zu meinem Review/Test auf my last word… your word! do you still hear my (northern) marsian dialect?? hope this one is more easy 4 u!! like to hear your tips for better & faster finding what you are searching for.. more patches soon!!.. so, jetzt ist das hier hoffentlich ordentlicher.. Tip(p)s hör ich mir gerne an..!!
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EIN PAAR SCHNELLE SOUNDSCHNIPSEL ZUM REINHÖREN UND ÜBERSICHT UNTER DISCOGRAPHY BITTE zu oder gehen!! dort sind mp3-audiotracks / audiodaten etc. ..MP3 ZUM DOWNLOAD und (reinhören) |
please visit my site or better for music!: | das ist was ich so mache.. und so klingt ein Moogulator wenn man ihn voll ausreizt.. auch neues & superneues!!.. das projekt ist natürlich ConseQuence – hat eine eigene Site– unter audio_date gibts mp3 demos und videos mit unrealeaseten Tracks.. unter anderem auch den XT only track, Q und andere.. |
CONSEQUENCE | THIS is what I do.. and how a Moogulator sounds when it is exploited to the limits.. also new and supernew tracks here!!.. see most recent tracks under moogulator!! | |
VOLITION DESOLATED VICTIMS | these are my older (1985-198X) Tracks for all who missed my Tapes plus masses of Bonustracks on DAM CD..(still „prelistenable“ of course) (80ies no longer available) | hier sind meine älteren (1985-198X) Tracks versammelt für alle die damals keine Tapes gekauft haben und einige Bonustracks a80ier projekt, gibts nicht mehr.. |
CYBOTECH | a Techno project.. not really new.. but its here!.. (90ies) | ein Technoprojekt.. aus den mid 90ern.. |
MOOGULATOR | it’s the newer music project.. check here to hear my music.. here are the Synth Audiofiles related to my writings on Synthesizers.. etc..NEW!.. most of it can be downloaded here! | neueres Musikprojekt.. bei Neugier zuerst hier schauen ;) hier gibts die Synthdiplom CD Audiofiles und sounds zu bestimmten Synthesizern etc.. also nicht wirklich ein Musikprojekt.. nun aber schon!! siehe aber ein Name unter dem ich schreibe.. neue musik geht hier hin.. ;) Jahr 200X bis jetzt.. |
GRAFT | an Electro-Project with consequence (me) and Frank Hoffmann (Cross Halved Joint & Persephone) | ein Electro-Projekt mit ConseQuence und Frank Hoffmann (Cross Halved Joint & Persephone) 90er |