Synthdemos – Video+Audiolager
Diverse Synthesizer Audio + Video Demos immer frisch im Forum: Synthdemos – Video+Audiolager
Synthesizer, Sequencer, Nerdic Walking
Diverse Synthesizer Audio + Video Demos immer frisch im Forum: Synthdemos – Video+Audiolager
find a green monitor look site with lots of audios , mostly doepfer and blacet modules.. also wiard, AS and other modules like bananalogue self oscillate’s web resource
here is another additive Synth, something between Camel Audio CA5000 and Cube.. Kjaerhus Audio – Professional Audio Plugins here is what they say.. Features * Multistage additive and subtractive synthesis * 250 partials additive engine * 8 detune-able oscillators per voice * Harmony morphing with looping and time-stretch * Analog modeled filters * Polyphonic portamento * Audio Analyzer * 2 LFOs with 12 waveforms, sync and sample / hold * 5 multipoint envelopes with looping and time-stretch * Waveform presets * Full pedal implementation * Midi Modulation * Midi Learn…
just uploaded compares Anyware Semtex vs. Oberheim SEM Audio.. here: Audio mp3 ANYWARE INSTRUMENTS Semtex Synthesizer Modular System info: Semtex Info: SEM STEREO: Semtex : left side, SEM right turn balance left to hear semtex only. SEMT00A.mp3 SEMT00B.mp3 SEMT0F1.mp3 SEMT05E.mp3 SEMT08C.mp3 SEMT22.mp3 SEMT055.mp3 SEMT032.mp3 SEMT070.mp3 SEMT089.mp3
new update and beta version for the cross platform editor audacity 1.24 / 1.3 mac, linux, win.Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder
Hier gibt es Audiodemos zum Korg 770, wer noch einen hat, bitte anbieten! .. here’s some audio mp3s from the Korg 770 ..Aliens-Project – Toy of the Month
well, the first.. or better second moog filterbank in software.. don’t know if it also sounds like it.. give it a try? .. Audio Damage: The World’s Most l33t Plug-ins!
Forum Audio Demos by PDT – Jomox Sunsyn: JoMoX Sunsyn