Waldorf Info – Things to remember Part 1 Basics

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Basics… how many DSPs are in the XT? One!!!!! IIRC they are the same type used in Kyma, correct? Nearly, the Kyma uses Motorola DSP56309 and we use DSP56303, the only difference is that the 56309 has more on-chip RAM than the 56303.Waldorf V2.0 Beta team in 1994 and coding was done by Andreas Busse and Stefan Stenzel. Stefan focussed much on the Wavetable loader then. The machine use to code V2.0 was named RESI ;-) it was done on a SAM68K system, and…


Arpeggiator Aus/from Synthesizer Wiki – Original here/hier Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche an arpeggiator is often a built in device in synthesizers, it will listen to the keys you play (chords). when you play a chord it will play (depending on the settings „up“ ,“down“ , „up/down“) each of the played note beginning with the lowest one, after that it will play the next.. if it is set to down ot will of course play the highest note first. if it is in random mode (thats something old Roland ARP’ers offer)…

At DSI mid Summer 2008 – Linndrum II analog (there will be a digital model, too)

LinnDrum II Many of you have been anxiously awaiting news of BoomChik, the collaboration between Dave and Roger Linn announced at Winter NAMM 2007. As information becomes available, we’ll be posting it to this page. The most obvious development over the last year is that it is no longer called BoomChik: it is now the LinnDrum II. There will be two models: the all-digital LinnDrum II and the LinnDrum II Analog, which adds a 4-voice analog synth and 27 dual-function voicing knobs. The LinnDrum II will be available from Roger…

Linndrum II – The ex-Boomchik

You were wondering about the progress of Roger Linn+Dave Smith making a Drummachine? There’s a little milestone posted on matrix 12/23/2007 10:29:00 AM showing details.. „LinnDrum II So no BoomChik but the name now is the LinnDrum II! Aha, well, so it’s Dave looking smaller than Roger ;) Article is in the new Future Music with nice pics (it looks quite different from the Boomchik pics): 2 versions of the new Drum Machine to be Launched: 1 All Digital with Sample playback 2 Digital and Analogue (IE version above but…

diy-Festival, 7./8.12, Zürich CH, Konzerte, Workshops

live on stage: – Track 1 – FLooper – Autonomous Orchestra – Tendance Catalogue – Overload Collapse – Metunar – Electroscape – Davidovitch & Konpiuta – Resonator Neuronium – Rocking Desk – Kaspar König Fr./Sa. 7./8. Dezember 2007, Kunst- und Technologiefestival, Dynamo/Dock18 Zürich Ausstellung, Live-Konzerte, Vorträge und Workshops: Mit einem reizvollen Programm startet diy* als Plattform für das dynamische Feld elektronischer Kunst mit selbstgemachten Werkzeugen ins dritte Jahr. Call: Mach mit am diy* und zeig Deinen Eigenbau, Dein Spiel, Deine Musik. Diskutiere Deine Visionen, Technik und Anwendung. Interessiert? Sende uns…

Zürich DIY Festival 7.-8.12.07

Roboter, Klang, Kitsch, Lärm, Spielzeug, Strom, Synths, Interaktion, Sender, Progzz! Reise durch das dynamische Feld elektronischer Kunst mit selbstgemachten Werkzeugen! Live on stage: Tendance Catalogue (Electro Pop, Lausanne), Rocking Desk (Klanglabor), Overdose Collapse (Noise, Fribourg), Kombox (Raumklang), uvm. Ausstellung: Lemmi (gitarrenspielender Schrottroboter), Natebu (interaktives Lichtobjekt), Klangcode (Lautpoesie), Track1 (singender Fax), Killing Dog (Zeichenroboter), uvm. Vorträge: Roboter, Mikrocontroller, Audioelektronik, virtueller Synthbau, Sensoren, uvm. Workshops: SMD Löttechnik, LoFi-Sampler, C-Prog., CircuitBending, Senderbau u. CVtoMIDI. Fr./Sa. 7./8. Dezember 2007, Dynamo Zürich Alle Infos und Workshop-Anmeldung unter: http://www.diyfestival.ch/ auch dabei: ACA / Metunar: Metunar /…

USB Remote Keyb. Problems on OS X 10.4.10? go to 10.4.11!!

update to 10.4.11 now, it has an important bug fix – issues with USB controllers and remote keyboards now fixed with 10.4.11 at apple.com free for download and STRONGLY recommended, please DO NOT USE 10.4.10 with audio and USB devices!!! ich rate allen Musikern, die mit OS 10.4.10 arbeiten oder upgrades gemacht haben DRINGENST auf das heute erschiene BUGFIX 10.4.11 umzusteigen (kostet ja nix) upgrade über softupdate im netz oder manuell über apple.com ! Es beseitigt schwere USB Probleme, die Apple eeeendlich gefixed hat. So Sachen wie das Photon von…