Yamaha Commercial Audio | Yamaha Commercial Audio vertreibt Dante-MY16-AUD-Karte von Audinate

Yamaaha goes Ethernet Audio on their digital mixers. means you can use it as a nice 16ch audio i/o using this. since the Mac Pro has 2 Ethernet Ports this isn’t a bad idea. So why not using the 01V96’s Port.. Want to have my analog expansion? Tja.. jetzt kann man mit dem Yamaha Pult über Ethernet arbeiten. Es verwandelt das 01V96 und andere in ein 16ch Audiointerface. Gute Idee. Besonders mit nem Mac Pro, da er ja ohnehin 2 Ethernetports hat. Yamaha Commercial Audio | Yamaha Commercial Audio vertreibt…

OS Update Version 1.04K for Spectralis 1 and Spectralis 2 users…

These new Features and Fixes are new in 1.04 Radikal Spectralis subtractive / groovebox(2005) P Fix: Shift-State-LED sometimes reset on Mapping Changes -P Mod: QuickSound now regular „Num Button Mode“ (no longer Overlay Function) -P Fix: MiniKeyboard does not trigger Drums Part (bug introduced with Arpeggiator) -P New: StepEdit, Function+10..13 selects resolution 1/12..1/32 -P Mod: Keys outside Transpose-Window forwarded to the Synth as usual -P Mod: FX Edit Page removed from Song Menu -P Mod: Mixer Modes can be left using EXIT -P Mod: Pattern Transpose Re-Implemented. Transpose functionality is now…

A visit to Schneidersbüro, Berlin – Germany – Besuch bei Schneidersladen mit dem Handy

simple cell phone pics – had no cam with me. just to show cool things.. they now sell haken audio continuum with 4 Gates and 3 outputs for pitch, position (up/down) and pressure/velocity for each of 4 voices (it has more internally & midi of course) very nice place at the Kottbusser Tor. Modules and Synths in 2 Rooms & some Coffee. Thanks. Kleiner Besuch am „Kotti“ bei Schneiders, bisschen versteckt und trashig neben sonem Photomaten. Aber von oben gute Sicht wie aus nem Kontrollturm. Sollte man hin – Module,…

Arturia Updates CS80V, Moog V and & Synchrosoft Dongled, missing: just one.

CS80 V and Moog V updated, Snow Leopardized, new features and both Synchrosoft dongled. The long-awaited New Version 2.0 of the CS-80V is now ready! Download the update for free and check out the new features: VCF audio quality improvements Ring modulator audio quality improvements A revolutionary preset navigation system called SoundMap Lower CPU utilization on Mac OSX Better Audio Unit compatibility Ability to use NRPN midi messages for automation Better handling of control surfaces while changing preset The Moog Modular V comes back in version 2.5! Now is the…

Sync and stop (!) the TR’s and TB’s with ShuffleBox

ShuffleBox is a device to sync drummachines & TB303’s and to punch in again right in sync. It’s a bit like the Mungosync (available via Schneidersbüro, Berlin) here’s how it works This is a MIDI to DIN Sync interface that adds shuffle to old machines & sequencers like TB-303,TR-606,TR-808,MC-202,… Input can be MIDI or DIN, Output is MIDI & DIN timing shuffled. The shuffle amount can be adjusted with the potentiometer. The interface also has a Start/Stop button to stop and restart the synced device without losing synchronization. In this…

21-23.8. Bernburg, Urwerk , EA Party VI, Moogulator, Psychotronic, Pattysplanet, Aliens-Project and more etc.

Live Event @ 22.8. Bernburg, Urwerk, Strenzfelder Allee, EA Party VI, verlegt ins UrWerk (neben U-Boot, da UrWerk deutlich größer ist). on the EA Party VI 21-23.8. Moogulator with Psychotronic, Pattysplanet, Aliens-Project, Fairplay, Undergrind, Envitre, Music AG, Varta and more etc. Community Party, everyone is invited. Sachsen Anhalt – Land der Frühaufsteher. Info Updates @ Forum: EA Party VI – 21.08. – 23.08.2009 – Urwerk | Bernburg 21-23.8. Bernburg, Urwerk , EA Party VI, with Psychotronic, Pattysplanet, Aliens-Project and more etc..