SCI Prophet 600 – new open firmware makes all knobs work as MIDI controllers

this little nerdy project gligli/p600fw · GitHub. provides an update for the Prophet 600 –
it is some hardware modification but also updating the internal firmware by a new OS.. it’s not as easy as updating new synths via MIDI, but after all you can control the P600 via MIDI Controllers – so it is a bit like europa for the Jupiter 6 or Covariant for the Jupiter 4..

via Forum: Neue Firmware für Prophet 600 

Sequential Circuits Prophet600 synthesizer 1x Multi Timbral, 6 Voice, (1982) 
Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 Analog Synthesizer 
+ simple sequencer 
2 OSC, 1 Filter, 1 LFO, 2 EG
subtractive analog synthesis, 
61 Keys, MIDI Ctrl, Sequencer, ~900€ (in 2005) continue / weiter..?

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