Oberheim X-Series: OBX, OBXa, OB8, DMX, DSX PROMMER

OBERHEIM X Synthesizer Series OB-X OB-Xa OB-8 DMX DSX PROMMER back to OBERHEIM SYNTH MENU – zurück zum OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER MENÜ the Oberheim X System Line OBX difference Oberheim OB-X vs. OB-Xa OB-X = discrete analogue circuitry, possibly SSM? OB-xa = Curtis Chipsthe OB X wasn’t part of the x-system all x-synthesizers are compatible optically and dimensions the ob-x has Crossmod which never came back on the later machines ob-x and ob-8 the xa added a split/double mode and was expandable from 4 to 8 voices with 2-voice cards.. and…

Oberheim SEM Synthesizer Expander Module

OBERHEIM SEM / early Synthesizer Series two voice four voice eight voice – 1974 SEM synthesizer expander module Digital Sequencer + Filter Module back to OBERHEIM SYNTH MENU – zurück zum OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER MENÜ Oberheim 4voice Oberheim SEM Module the oberheim 4voice also was available from 1 to 8 voices. since 1974 oberheim did these polyphonic synth monster which had a cool filter feature: sweeping from lpf filter to hpf and notch. 2 VCOs and very smooth sound that oberheim stands for. some audio – a bit sick,but you may…

Oberheim OB1 / OBI (OB-I, OB-1) Synthesizer

OBERHEIM OB-1 Synthesizer OBI – OB-I Synth (OB1 , OB-1) back to OBERHEIM SYNTH MENU – zurück zum OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER MENÜ OBERHEIM OB 1 this 2 OSCed synth had everything one could dream of: pulse or triangular and both could be set in it’s symmetry (like on the matrix 6) so you could have PWM pulse waves and everything between triangle and sawtooth (up/down)!!, syncable VCOs, 12 and 24dB/oct slope for the filter (lpf) amd 8 memories (eight!) only „limitation“ to the ob1 are those level switches for vco mix…

Oberheim Alternatives: Semtex, Semblance, Omega 8, etc.

OBERHEIM SYNTH ALTERNATIVES + more Semtex Semblance Studio Electronics Omega 8, ATX1, SE1x, Obie Rack etc. SSB Banana – a nice OB Xa? everything else Oberheim did.. Cyclone, Ob Xk, etc.. back to OBERHEIM SYNTH MENU – zurück zum OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER MENÜ SEM vs. SEM the others.. there are 2 SEM alternatives: the SEMtex by anyware and the semblance by analogue solutions.. the SEMtex has a lot more (2 suboscs, mor modulation, ringmod etc.. while the semblance has midi and is quite close to the SEM.. they both sound good..)here’s…

REVIEW / TEST Oberheim X-Pander (Xpander)

sorry.. review currently german only.. By M.Irmer / Moogulator Nur um Verwechselungen vorzubeugen, es gibt noch einen anderen (Oberheim) Xpander, den OBXpander, die tastenlose Version des OB-X. Aber schon an den Bildern sieht man, hier geht es um DEN Xpander (nicht Expander), der 1984 gebaut worden ist. Der Xpander ist ein Analoger! Nicht vergessen darf man aber, dass die analogen Baugruppen durch digitale Steuersignale kontrolliert werden. Dazu dient innen ein, heutzutage eher weniger kraftvoller, 8bit Prozessor. Es gibt auch eine Tastaturversion, den Matrix12. Er ist 1985 zum ersten mal aufgetaucht…

Oberheim OB12 (Viscount)

viscounts „oberheim“ VA – the non oberheim oberheim synth ;) back to OBERHEIM SYNTH MENU – zurück zum OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER MENÜ enlarge? click image.. pic thanks to Jörg quick access DB: ob12 QUICK LINKS: OB12? .. the old pre-update report – read on / weiterlesen.. Xpander / Matrix12 vintage Oberheim.. Matrix 6 , Marion Systems quick access DB: ob12 OB12 let me say this: this is not oberheim! it’s the name bought by viscount, an italian organ company. viscount. the rights may went back to gibson (the guitar stuff, you…

Oberheim Synthesizer

OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER Oberheim Synthesizer click image to go.. / Synth DB links Oberheim Oberheim Synth overview.. SEM Module (Synthesizer Expander Module) 2Voice / TVS 1 / two Voice 4Voice / four Voice 8Voice / eight Voice and the early Oberheim digital Sequencer 1974 DB quick access: SEM 2voice 4voice 8voice OB-1 ( OBI / OB-I ) (monophonic) 1978 quick access DB: OB 1 X Series (polyphonic) OB-X OB-SX OB-xa-Series OB-8 quick access DB: OBX OBxa OB8 DSX Sequencer DMX Drumcomputer Stretch DX/DMX Drum Machine (+Prommer) 1979 / 81/83 drum machines…