Ed Starink sells (almost?) his whole gear

http://starink-world.net/content/ sells a lot/most of his gear listed on his site unter „studio“. So it will contain fairlights, Jupiter 8’s and lots more. He’s gonna sell it at VEMIA which isn’t known for cheap prices but for checked gear. The guy behind this is Mr A-Z of Synthesisers Mr. Forrest. The auction takes place from 1st to 8th of November this year. Non smoker Ed sell them all. I normally don’t really post about auctions but this a a lot of stuff..

the synthesizer was invented in / by.. who added and did what in electronic music history

 -> Synthesizer Wiki Navigation, Suche Synthesizer History Timeline From  „https://www.sequencer.de/synth/index.php/Synthesizer_History_Timeline“ Inhaltsverzeichnis [Verbergen] 1 The First Synthesizer To… 1.1 Notes 1.2 The Synth List – Formating: Year – Manufacturer – Model – First at what..? 1.3 Related Links – Synthesizer History 1 The First Synthesizer To… and this one is helpful to sort it out… Knobcon 2016 Marc Doty Lecture Synthesizer MythsDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen 1.1 Notes If you are going to add to the list please use the same format and insert in chronological order. 1.2 The Synth List…

SCI – Sequential Circuits Synthesizer

SCI – Sequential Circuits Synthesizer , DSI , dave smith instruments Prophet 5 / P5 / T8 Drumtraks (drumtracks!) Mulititrak Pro-One Sixtrak Prophet 600 TOM Studio 440 Evolver Polyevolver PE.keyb. Max Prophet VS SCI gear trigger: in/out 15V GROUND to positive. SCI text images: click to see a larger image.. SCI SCI Synth overview / überblick.. Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 there are basically 3 Revisions the first one had SSM chips (78), rev2 (78 -80) still ssm and rev3 (from 80) had curtis chips.. there was also a chance in…

Emu – Eµ – E-Mu – Menu

EMU = E-Mu = Eµ Sampler + Synthesizer: EMu Emu Synth overview / überblick.. EMULATOR SERIES: the samplers , that Depeche Mode or F242 had on stage.. The E II was the first one with filters (analogue) and ENV the E III still had analogue filters and lots of things that definied the hardware sampler category as a reference, the emax and emax II were samplers , sort of analogue filtered pendant to the EIII but cheaper.. to compete with the EPS16+ / ASR10 etc by the company Emu bought…

Virsyn Cube Additive Re-Synthesizer

virsyn cube spectral morping additive (re)synthesizer   –>zurück zum Software + Computer Hauptmenü Ein Cubus kommt geflogen.. preview / Test Additiver Synthesizer CUBE nachtrag für 2.0: cube hat einige updates bekommen und netterweise immernoch ein einfaches „nummer von der CD eintippen“ schutzsystem, kein nerviges challenge system oder gar dongle, hier wird also kein user beim nutzen bestraft! die sample analyse ist genauer und es gibt einige algorithmen um verschiedenes material entsprechend zu meistenr.. dazu kann man per „reinmal“-aktion kammfilter und resonanz-effekte erzeugen.. einfach durchs anzeigen und reinklecksen.. die herumfahr-hüllkurve (time…

Native Instruments – Absynth (D)

Native Instruments Absynth Native Instruments – Absynth 4 – Software Synthesizer (von Moogulator). Spannend war es in mitte bis ende 2006, Native Instruments bringt auf einen Schlag eine Reihe dicker Update-Pakete heraus – zuletzt auch Reaktor für Intelmac. Absynth ist sicher bereits als gereiftes Projekt zu sehen mit der 4 vor dem Punkt. Zwischenzeitlich hat es auch Kore in einige User-Häuser geschafft und legt teilweise auch eine Grundlage für ein neues System, welches das Auffinden und Sortieren vereinfacht. Mac-Nutzer werden natürlich die Intel-Portierung begrüßen, ohne die Audioprogramme nicht brauchbar sind.…

DIY Off Synth 

Chips in Synthesizers – CEM,SSM DSP Hardware

CHIPS in synths .. -> CEM,SSM DSP what chips work in your Hardware Synthesizer?- more in the WIKI Section – Hardware Chips in Synths.. (add more to the list in the Wiki..) digital DSPs Motorola Analog Devices TI ANALOGUE CEM + SSM <<– choose category (DSP or ANALOGUE) CEM + SSM + DSP – what chip is what?SSM – Solid State Microtechnologies by solid state music CEM = Curtis Electromusic Specialities – s special analogue small scale chip. by DOUG CURTIS – USA : synthtech.com (motm..) –> Paul Schreiber is…