Synthesizer-Magazin @ Tanz den Transistor, Süddeutschland, 1.10 / 15.10.

01.10. in München bei Hieber Lindberg 15.10. in Stuttgart im Stromraum es gibt ein paar kleine Gadgets zu sehen und Zeit sich mal die Hefte anzusehen oder mit den Hanseln vom SynMag zu labern, oder einfach nur so. im Forum: Tanz den Transistor 01.10.2011 , Tanz den Transistor 15.10.2011

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Novation Impulse Remote Keyboard Series + Automap 4

a rather simple standard remote is announced at novation, no more text-displays – just like the others – well what I always liked is the display that tells you what knobs is doing what – looks like they might want to go back to a standard minimal set of drum pads, 8 knobs and faders like most other competitors got. ok, the display can show more than a number – but it will no longer inform the user so you have to find out yourself, but they also did a…

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hamburg-audio -advanced audio instruments nuklear

hamburg-audio -advanced audio instruments. Nuklear is something new, .. seems it’s a mixture of speeding waveforms (or doubling it) and therefore maybe also shaping and phase shifting signals on the oscillators of a basically subtraktive new synth called Nuklear, that technique is called „Pulsar grains“ and looks like a nice alternative to FM and Shaping,.. Ich kommentiere mal nicht aus, sondern zitiere, hier handelt es sich wohl um einen Subtraktiven Synthesizer, der im Oszillatorenbereich eine Art Shaping macht, die Worte sind etwas ungenau, die Bilder schön geheimnisvoll (gut gemacht mit…

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Wolfgang Palms Speech Synthesizer

Von Wolfgang Palm gepostete Videos: Like the Beatles [HQ]. this is a little video demoing the experimental new speech synthesis singing software which also is capable of freezing it withing the words in the middle (grain table style) „My vocal synthesizer VstPlugin in action! The sounds are completely synthesized / modifyed (no samples used) „

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