Fairlight Instruments – The next generation

Fairlight Instruments – The next generation. fairlight seem to re-animate the old fairlight system.. CMI-30A Provisional Hardware Specifications (as at 13 August 2009) System Components: Mainframe — free-standing and adaptable to rack mount, includes 750GB SATA hard drive, DVD R/W drive, USB ports. Monitor — 15″ with lightpen (passive stylus) Alpha-numeric keyboard Music keyboard — weighted, velocity sensitive, MIDI, 6 octaves, 73 keys with pitchbend. but it seem to focus on vintage aspects.. looks at this: projected price is approximately US$17,000 and the additional music keyboard option US$2,000. won’t be…

Classic Synth Specials Digital Synth Synthesizer History Timeline 

Hi-End Synthesizer Special – from Synclavier, ConBrio to GDS/Synergy to Fairlight

HI-END SPECIAL / Die BESONDEREN.. – New England Digital – Synclavier.. read the manual „why a synclavier has no midi“ ;-)) hi end FM and sampling station, better run it with a 68k vintage mac for editing.. it does Resynthesis, 12 OSCs with additiv Spectrum per OSC, FM but with one modulating and one carrier each, multiple additiv waves can be morhed into another that appear on a sort of a time line/linear envelope (just time between those additive spectra oscs) – 4 sample OSC/Timbres- >  sampling is possible on this…

CV play the Fairlight

Fairlight is in here, they used it in their mid 80ies phase and did music that is still the prototype of lots of other synthpop bands that tried to sound that way.. on this style you might try tracks like Kino, Sensoria, Crackdown, Big Funk etc.. as well on youtube.. and with much better audio quality.

SynMag 79 - Das Synthesizer-Magazin Synth 

SynMag 79 – Das Synthesizer-Magazin – Ende März

Ende März ist es da, die neue Ausgabe des Print-Magazins SynMag Ausgabe 79 mit diesen Themen: Ninja Tune – Zen Delay – FX – Manuelles Delay mit Röhre und Filter und stabilem Speicher – Erica Synth mit Maske Modal Argon 8 – Synthesizer Erica Synth – Black Spring Reverb Polyend – Module – Speichern mit Preset, Stromen mit Anywhere, MIDIzieren mit Poly 2 Korg Nu-Tekt NTS1 mit *logue Oszillator Meng Qi – Modulhersteller ACL System 2 – High-End Modular Korg“ – ARP 2600 Tracktion Waveform – DAW zwischen Bitwig und…