Kawai K5000 Dual – Organ Version (Mod)

Didn’t know there was a funny K5000 mod sold, which is basically a doble K5000 with the S-Version Controls and the W-Version added. Ad you might know, the K5000 is the most advanced addivive hardware synth made (beside the acxel / axcel 2). It’s not a mod, it’s a real product. UPDATE: This is a mod, no official version!! so this thing has never been sold officially by Kawai atc. But the Yamaha one did: On the same site: Find the FVX1, the early 8OP Yamaha FM Synth as organ…

Rob Hordijk’s Audio Mangler Box Blippoo

Quite a time ago when I had a little synth expo (with the synthesizer-magazin) and Rob came by and showed me this little cool box „a perfect compagnion for your EMS he said – he’s right, it did a lot of nice modulations from LFO to ringmod or FM type of things, I had some time to tweak with a simple input signal (or nothing at all, don’t remember correctly) –> – rob hordijk – Audio Mangler. Hmm, how do you call this kind of FX/Synth Box? I found it…

Mobile Music II: SunVox synthesizer on Win Mobile amongst others

This is also for Mobile Devices runing Linux oder Win Mobile called Synvox, Modular interface. Highly optimized synth algorithms. Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on variuos devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU – 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic). Built-in synthesizers: FM synthesizer; Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms); Kicker; Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI); SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for analog-like pads); Delay; Distortion; Echo; Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch); Flanger; LFO; Loop; Reverb (with DC Blocking Filter); Vocal Filter; Vibrato. Supported systems:…

AMAZONA.de – Vintage Synths > Purple Box: Yamaha HX-1

8/16 Operator FM Synthesizer? Yamaha released an organ with 8OPs before the FS1R was made, I believe it was the time, when the FVX1 was made but seemed not to have that success. Hier ist eine Orgal auf Basis von 8 bzw. 16 Operatoren FM Synthese. Der FVX1 ist ja wenig bekannt, diese Orgel aber sicher noch weniger. Wie man dort sehen kann, ist das auch ein Exot, jedoch voll in der Zeit der Synthesizer-Euphorie geboren. Oder grade noch, denn besonders gut verkauft wurden ja weder FVX1 noch die HX1.…

polyphon & analog: Oberheim Matrix 12 Bericht (deutsch/german)

(german little review for bonedo with lots of audio demos and quite some shots) Bericht zum Oberheim Matrix 12, sie man sieht – auch von mir geschrieben.Jede Menge Audiodemos und Bilder.. PRO +    Sagenhafter Sound, sowohl für Curtis-Chip Synths als auch allgemein für Analoge +     Oktavreine FM +     Sehr viele Modulationsquellen +     Release Velocity spielbar +     Nachkompatibles Display +     Für die Zeit sehr gute MIDI-Implementation und SysEx-Specs CONTRA –    Relativ langsame Hüllkurven und LFOs –     Display unersetzlich bei Defekt –     Tastatur relativ durchschnittlich…

Tom Oberheim – more SEM models and no more dogs – And Sequencer till End 2009

Tom already announced the production of new SEMs, but there will be MIDI and „bare“ ones without anything like the original for 599 Dollars, which may end up in 599€ over here? Anyway the Dog dissapeared and there’s a very nice big shot of the new SEM. It’s alive! The Oberheim MIDI SEM. Click to see it up close. Click to see my talk at the at the recent Red Bull Music Academy in Boston. * SEM with MIDI input and MIDI to CV routing panel (as shown in above…