Waldorf Microwave XT Editor – MonstrumWave 2.5 via Ctrlr

this is a CTRLR Patch for editing the Waldorf Microwave XTk , Microwave XT Digital Synthesizer, of course it can not access the Waves and Tables since they are higher SysEx commands, but this one looks nice to use. looks like a lot of work, tho‘ update: since it is not exactly free check the site – the demo is free! .. see comment! it’s here: monstrumMedia   note: update for the Wolfgang Palm App „Wavegenerator“, since it’s about Wavetables – the features look very interesting.

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Pluto 3000 Analog tripple matrix synth

fantastic dream synths. via Remy Tran @ FB, this one has not had it’s big days, so someone called it pluto early or just because it WAS called Pluto that time or possibly this time? it was made in 1978 and seems based on PAIA and Formant as this czech (and unreadable to non czechs) pags says it was made in the dark times behind the iron curtain and finalized in 1982 (by George Vysohlid) – so the basic part in here isn’t unknown to us but has a creative way…

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MOS-LAB has cloned the RSF KOBOL VCO. The original looks like this (1978) -> RSF Kobol , Kobol II, Kobol 2 Analog Synthesizer and here’s the clone from the french company (so it stays and stems from the same country, still) … first batch of 25 pcs are already made & sent, these are 5U „Dot com“ style modules, but they’re plan the next batch in sept./oct. 12 http://www.mos-lab.com/ some demo video here

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2 Month of Flattr – the real answer is… – Flattrbilanz

been trying #Flattr for 2 month on sequencer.de – the result 0€, so hype is one thing, real world test is another – my vote: ridiculously useless ..what? Flattr? guess what? plan on using it? trust me – it makes no sense at all. next hipster style hype test in a few days, … ;) Tja, ich wollte das, was die Podcaster, die ich sehr schätze Recht haben und habe dieses supitolle Flattr mal ausprobiert. Es war auch klar, dass sowas nur Nerds überhaupt kennen und noch weniger nutzen es,…

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PPG Wavegenerator by Wolfgang Palm for iOS

PPG Wavegenerator. is a new App by Wolfgang Palm, the creator of the PPG Synthesizers and father of the wavetable synthesis as well as this new speech synth (just search this site for Wolfgang Palm)… he just opened a Facebook Info Page and it might appear on the App Store somewhere soon (+/- 1 month from now). price $19,99 UPDATE: features – it is 256 Waves! So this is beyond MIDI resolution: will produce about 8 voices on iPad 3, iPad 2 may be a bit less. · Creation of…

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