Lightning USB Adapter erschienen / Apple releases CamKit for Lightning (iPhone 5, iPad 4 / mini)

So, ich habe 34.95€ Apple Strafgebühr entrichtet und werde euch berichten: 1) Funktionieren USB Klaviaturen nun an neuen Lightning iOS Geräten oder nicht? 2) Gibt es einen Ausweg der billiger ist? Nein. Alle anderen Lösungen laufen nicht! UPDATE: es funktioniert NICHT, dh iPhones laufen nicht, es machte aber keinen Sinn wenn iPads auch das Problem hätten, weshalb es wohl dann nur dafür funktiniert. #epic fail ok, I did it – I put this awesome insanly expensive one more thing into the cart for 35€  ($45 US) and will check for…

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Speed Test Retina vs. old school Mac Books – Apple

as mentioned (see links above) the new Retina Macs are almost not faster than their „older“ versions (still available) – even the Air can compete quite well to the 13″ books, especially the Retina-one, since both do not have real graphics, but even the 15″ isn’t different – it es a bit slower than all other 15″ books from apple as well, of course we are not talking about worlds – you might not even notice the difference, so if it’s more than 20% you might feel something like a…

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the Invincible: Push Controller – Ableton going the Maschine way. with dynamic pads (pressure & velocity) in Live 9

Ableton says Push! – I want to see you on the floor. it’s very much like a new Launchpad and step sequencer with pressure sensitive  and velocity pads and display, so .. a „better“ maschine? SO GREAT THEY ARE DOING STEP SEQUENCING IN HERE!! Sorry, but this looks more sexy to me than most of current grooveboxy approaches to computers, so – interesting to get my hands on one of these – not so cheap – but interesting concepts of CHOOSING and PLAYING and yet SEQUENCING it – don’t know how…

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