
Korg iPolysix + Sequencer (iPad mini & iPad)

Since the polysix is already a software on Kronos/Oasys and this little thing, it is now APPetized, hope for the Mono/Poly to come as well. KORG iPolysix for iPad mini & iPad that rather obvious naming does not mention, that this one has a sequencer! Not cheap – till Dec 2012 – 14€, after that double price! note that modulation sequencer. Dieser iPolysix hat einen Stepsequencer bekommen, hätte mir aber noch den Mono/Poly gewünscht als iDings, app das noch klappt? Jedenfalls liegt es nahe, dass das noch kommt, vielleicht mal eine…

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Dinosaurier Treffen, Synthesizer @ Kulturort Alte Molkerei, Bocholt

Some Impressions from Bocholt, Germany, the dinosaur synthesizer meeting.. thanks a lot to citric acid and Mickey for simply doing it and the nice people at the Molkerei! sehr liebevoll ausgerichtetes kleines Festivälchen für Nerds und Nerdgebliebene, also wer irgendwie Synthesizer mag, war hier! Mehr dazu im Forum -> 17.11.2012 Dinotreffen 2 incl. DIY Lötworkshop etc  

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Shiny Toys – Nerdic Audiovisual Walking – Festival

just like to share some images from a nerdy festival, SHINY TOYS –in Mülheim, Germany, Ringlokschuppen 1) those spinning wheels are part of a sound installation, sound generators were added that react on the pulsing light coming from or through the wheels and created a granular sound 2) that tv thing is 4 rows of LEDs that rotate fast enough to create a picture – some old western and Bud Spencer movies work well on it ;) 3) Cicuit Bent Image Processor 4) Concerts of Hidden Technology and Spherical Disrupted 5)…

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