PPG WaveGenerator coming to the Mac & Windows

the Wavegenerator App by PPG will be available as a plugin. this images says it all. Wavegenerator is the 2013-version of the PPG Wave 2.X Serie and all of it’s predecessors when speaking of the way to handle the waves and wavetables. it has lots of more of it all.. finally the only one offering real wave table building and editing right in the same software – on the hardware especially the Waldorf ones the edits where only available to extra editors – most of them do no longer work since that was the…

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Cybersound Modular Synthesizer – Workshop

a new Dotcom-Style/Moog size Modular will be shown soon.. 4x VCO 4x Filter (1x Moog, 1x Arp 2600, 1x Steiner Parker, 1x EMS) 4x Hüllkurve  2x LFO 1x Quadrature LFO 1x Noise / Sample & Hold 2x Ringmodulator 1x Multiple 2x AC/DC Mixer 4x VCA 1x Saw Animator 1x Federhall 1x 4-fach Panning Mixer Ein neues Modulsystem namens Cybersound von Christian Fischer wird am 7.12.2013 am Bodensee gezeigt werden. Nach 7 Monaten und 2 Jahren Planung ist das 4stimmige System nun da. Cybersound Modular Synthesizer Workshop.  

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Patch Morpher for Hardware Synths on iPad

Patch Morpher  is a patch designing tool for these hardware synths by Richard Meyer: – Moog Voyager– Dave Smith Prophet 08– Dave Smith Prophet 12– Korg KingKorg – Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 it’s because you need to start somewhere. but what does it do? Patch Morpher for iPad – Demo!Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen it designed to do multiple things – one of it is connecting parameters to one control and being able to move it and to get interpolating “ morphing changes like on the Clavia Nord Synths. also it can convert…

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GRP R24 Sequencer (stand alone from the A4 series synthesizer)

  they seemed to listen to what I wrote in my review about the GRP A4 Analog Synthesizer  – that sequencer should be available as a stand alone unit – and – they are doing it – the GRP R24 Sequencer is exactly that but with all jacks and connections needed since you can’t fully access the A4 via voltage control (cv/gate).. will be able to save all settings to 128 programs and will have USB-MIDI as well as a 4 digit display. 6 directions of playing the sequence in 3×8, 16+8 or 24…

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Synthesizer-Magazin: Ausgabe 41 kommt 21.11.2013

Synthesizer-Magazin, Ausgabe 41 ->  21.11.2013 – wir sind endlich fertig damit und es ist grün.   Maschinen Clavia Nord Lead 4 – total oder nur ein bisschen anders? Novation Bass Station 2 – Bist du mein Onkel Roland? Akai MPX8 Minisampler / Pads – Sampler unter 150€ Roland – Jupiter Juno SH -> Die Filter der analogen Generation von Rolands Klassikern unter der Lupe. Vom SH1 bis zum System 700 Haken Audio Continuum Fingerboard – feinfühliger spielen können als auf einer Tastatur? Controll Special – CME Xkey und Arturia Minilab – Sensoren, Tasten, Ideen…

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Industrial – soundtrack for the urban decay

little teaser for upcoming DVD / film somewhere soon. and if you don’t know any of these guys you might have skipped anything between urban, life and decay..    names to drop are Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, Boyd Rice / Non, SPK, Click Click, Test Dept, Clock DVA, RE/Search Publications V Vale, Z’EV, Sordide Sentimental, Hula, In The Nursery, The Klinik, Prima Linea, Hands Production, Ant Zen and Orphx.  

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MacBeth Bomber – Modular Synth

this is a 3 module synth as a small command station to get into sonic surgery as fast and flat as you want it. 1 OSC with Sub OSC 2 Envelopes and a filter sound convincing and you can build you modular base on this.. Bomber Demo 1Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen Ken says: minimal 3 module Macbeth Mk1 synthesizer – the Bomber! Specifically put together to Bomb that Bass! The single Mk1 Oscillator ‚B‘ gives you 1 x Sawtooth, 2 x Pulse Width (Square) Waveforms, 2 x Sub Octaves,…

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