MiniSynth Meeblip Anode

This is dangerous. open up your head for the Rockets and Volcas in the skies? This one is Open Source and therefore meant to be changed – the term here is „hackable“ and means – you can check it out, how does it work? you can check everything including inerds. it’s completely yours and if you are a nerd you can change it or built your own bent anode-successor-something.. it’s simple and I guess I don’t have to say so much about what’s inside – one OSC with PWM AD-Envelope…

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23.11.2013 – Elektron Analog Keys – released (key’ed version of Analog Four)

UPDATE: Keyboard Version of Analog Four is out – Analog Keys (via CDM/Peter Kirn’s wonderful blog!) not so different from the Analog Four Groovebox but it has Keys, a small Joystick – so it is basically comparable to other analog synths but with 4 voices, it might fill some space since polyphonic analog synths are quire rare.. and it is 3 Octaves (which I love and prefer over 2 octaves) until now the Analog Four has not been polyphonic but 4x monophonic – one synth per track. this seems to…

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Future Retro Mondovox – Poly

Future Retro Mondovox  is basically a MIDI Engine that helps every Synth to be expanded: 1) add similar synths to get polyphony 2) add similar synths to double/add more voices 3) unison layer multiple sounds 4) any other version like randomly address synths, poly chasing and chaining synths, chord memory and rotation of voices the Oberheim SEM style.. Future Retro MondoVoxDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen

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Linnstrument larger now

the  linnstrument.that was posted earlier and here & there has grown sideways – it’s now more board-sized and reacts to pressure, position and of course position.  <— what you can do! Roger Linn stops by DSI for a Linnstrument prototype demoDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen here – controlling Dave Smiths new Rack Prophet 12 – looks a bit smaller than expected, huh? but ok – the Linnstrument has a lot more room .. so it becomes like Soundplane and Continuum Fingerboard but a different approach..

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film tip: ELEKTRO MOSKVA – Synths and Music &.. KGB

this film is about the early russian elektronic music, the instruments and everything that you might think of russia as a country, as a system of that time that influenced all this – possibly more than here in the 2 germanies at that time? an ultravivid scene derived from Theremin, Polivoks and Junost Synths in between of vodka bottles, Moskwitsh and spoons.  – looks like a film to love because it is different, so this is another planet, world and … it’s elektro!! buy one of those synths at some…

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Controller Synth 

Haken Audio – Eagan Matrix + Continuum Fingerboard making the controller even more expressive

Es gibt einen Test zum Continuum Fingerboard im aktuellen SynMag #41 dazu gibt es jetzt ein neues Zusatzpaket… there’s a new hardware and software addition to make the Continuum Fingerboard more expressive and dynamic – the EaganMatrix – named after Ed(mund) Egan, who had several very musical demos up at Haken (sometimes using Kyma). but this one is sort of everything – sound generator – expansion and more .. here’s the musical explanation – listen!: the details and screenshots : Haken Audio | Nov2013. and the hardware box: even more important –…

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PandaMIDI – Wireless MIDI at reasonable price (99€)

2 little boxes driven by AAA batteries (transmitter). it’s as simple as it looks – plug it in, insert fresh batteries per weekend and have the other box, the receiver get your MIDI signals ready somewhere at the back line to control your CRAY or racks by a simple and light MIDI Controller or Synth.. the receiver is USB-equipped, so you can just plug in your computer without a MIDI interface. where to mount the transmitter? right in the back maybe? like on the AX7 remote keytar?.. its 99,90€ for…

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Synthesizers in the movies – LFO – Synthesizer in Filmen und…

Tenori-on and Elektron gear can be seen in this Swedish Movie.. LFO trailer (with English subtitles)Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen there is more imagery and videos & pics that feature synths in films, movies and ads.. Dieser Film heißt LFO und es kommen einige bekannte Sachen vor, darunter das Tenori-On und die Elektron Maschinen – hier werden weitere Filme und Werbung gesammelt, in der Synthesizer eine Rolle spielen.. via Forum • Synthesizer in Filmen und Soundtracks.   und noch ein Klassiker, „Performance“ mit einem Menschen der nicht viel mit Synthesizern…

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