Vampire – Skinny Puppy Module #2 – Not Dead – Euro Modules

Mr. Key of Skinny Puppy helped to male the second SubCon Module (which is the label of all those cEvin Key / SP projects) just announced the second of Euro Rack modules – this time it is a Vco with Animation (lfos) therefore thead reads bringing the undead to life.. saw tooth not just of vampiric origin may be animated – the so to say analog supersaw Vco / Lfo combination..?   via Skinny Puppy Mastermind cEvin Key – ein neues Modul (das 2.) – wer das SynMag gelesen hat…

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Mopho SE high quality Mopho Keyboard from Dave Smith Instruments

this is basically a Mopho Keyboard but better quality knobs, slightly improved and 3.5  octave key range. us – the 3 – octave enthusiasts may like it. it’s 189€ more than the standard Mopho in yellow. via  Mopho SE- Dave Smith Instruments looks nicer than the yellow one. eine bessere Version des Mopho Keyboards – der SE hat 3.5 Oktaven, richtige Potis und ist hochwertiger – endlich mal einer der das macht, nicht immer billig um jeden Preis.. War aber auch notwendig. ein harter Markt grade. Made in USA sagt…

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Eurorack Oberkorn Analogue Sequencer

Oberkorn is a quite – so to say- traditional – sequencer and it has been changed over time and revised – and here it is – the euro rack version and it has one row for gate behaviour along with 3 pot-lines 16 step.. the eurokorn. not a unikorn but tells fairy tails to any analog synth. Huch, da sind dann mal eben neue Oberkorns die in das Euro-Rack passen. Es gab ja wirklich eine Menge Versionen davon und diese hier hat 3 Reihen plus Gate-Modus Zeile – er ist…

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U-He Diva adds Oberheim and Digital OSC

cool, for all Diva users there’s 2 more things: 1) a JP8000 kind of digital Oscillator 2) Oberheim SEM kind of new Filter _ für Diva gibt es ein neues Filter vom Oberheim SEM und einen Oszillator mit mehreren Optionen wie Supersaw und Feedback, kurzum – ein dem JP8000 ähnlichen Typ, wie er auch im VSynth als „normaler“ Oszillator zu finden ist. also Zebra was updated as well – adds some presets by Howard Scarr, AAX (that new Avid Plugin type) and – New distortion module

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Storn System Analog Synthesizer from Indonesia

inspired by MS10/20 and EMS – this may be the first synth from Indonesia (Bandung). Storn ist short for SynThesizer electRONic beside those there is a „Rhythm Machine“ which is in fact a drum synth (no sequencer) – that Name Störn sounds german – but it’s just like „looks nice“.. the names are Lavatory and Maga, both semi modular, where Maga is also digital – this is the first info, more at the forum (quote) their Site will be up in 21 days from this post.. Forum • Storn System – Analog…

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Medic Modules EKG Elektro Kardiogramm – Unique 8 Step Analogue Sequencer

this sequencer has some features of the Intellijel Metropolis and Ryk 185, but there’s these longer faders seems a 2-module sequencer so – you need more room for this.. since it reads like Oberkorn / Analogue Solutions – they had this Oberkorn Version which also needs more room compared to the pot-version.. anyway.. the special thing is – timing can be set and position as well in a way.. so – this seems one of the new school cooler ones.. Medic Modules EKG (Elektro Kardio Gramm) Unique 8 Step Analogue…

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Madrona Labs Kaivo Granular Synth

you do know it – I am a fan of Aalto, and they or Randy makes an new Aalto influenced plugin which is not the same but a new concept which will base on grains and granular synthesis and it has physical modeling in it.. aaaand – it can access and play samples – well it’s playing it granularly.  here’s a little preview since it’s not yet out – but you can get Aalto for $49 these days for a limited time period. very interested in checking it out ..

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App(le) Cheaperism (Schwarzer Freitag)

Some Music Apps are cheaper atm. (because of „black friday“ some random US-something) maybe 10 or 20€ cheaper at Apple as well.. Einige Musik-Apps teilweise etwa 50% und wohl bei Apple auch geringfügig günstigere Hardwareangebote wegen des „Schwarzen Freitags“, der in den USA wohl eine Art Schlussverkauf ist und traditionell ist.  DAWs, Synths, etc.  via Forum: Aktionen im iOS – AppStore – Sammelthread Animoog, Beatmaker 2, Arturia Moog & SEM, Sunrizer, Impaktor… APPS: Eine Liste – a list:Music App News, Reviews & Tutorials – Even More App Sales!

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