Glitchmachines – Quadrant – Aalto inspired semimodular?

Glitchmachines‘ Quadrant (renamed from „Scope„). has a lot of being inspired by Madrona Labs Mod-Concept – trying to make a simple structure effective as hell. so this time it is a moog-coast (not buchla/serge west coast thing) – having 2×2 FM OSCs – stop – isn’t fm again more the other coast stuff? you are not getting what I try to tell? right – let’s forget about this categories-stuff – in fact it has a lot of things in common with Aalto but tries to be more FM and less…

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Bitwig 1h DAW Details – als Gast bei Musotalk

So, hier ist dann die versprochene etwas aufwendigere Abcheck-Aktion – Hier mal allein mit Non Eric – Quatschen über DAWs und Bitwigs Einzelteile – und ja, es wäre echt noch viel zu sagen, zB die Drumracks und Organisation, die E-Drum-Synths und und und.  Test – Bitwig Studio 1.0 – deutschDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen Wobei es ganz kleine Fehler gibt, in Live 9 sehen die Return to Arrangementknöpfe sogar genau so aus. Und-  über MAX kann man natürlich in Live auch einen LFO einbasteln, was vermutlich jedem klar ist und…

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blue MPC no computer required – next generation shown at Microsoft

there are more than rumours about a new MPC in the FORM of the Renaissance Controller but this time as a full blown stand alone device based on (Embedded) Windows – no dear Mac Users – this doas not mean it needs to be bad – the first MPCs hat Intel Processors as well. that dot-net framework they are talking about and shown in this video looks like there is something coming. And yes, it’s authentic – I got this from some1 who is 100% into this – aaand –…

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PraxisTalk – Modulare Synthesizer Teil 2

PraxisTalk – Modulare Synthesizer Teil 2Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen Modulare Synthesizer – Blahnach dieser Folge war ich noch mal Gast – das zweite Mal bei Musotalk – mit Rolf Wöhrmann und Non Eric. Eigentlich war es zeitlich direkt nach der Folge hier. PraxisTalk – Modulare Synthesizer Teil 2 – MusoTalk.TVI inkl. Thema des SynMag Sonderheftes 2 – Modulare Synthesizer und Schwerpunkt Serge/Buchla artige Systeme vs. Eurorack. Das Heft ,was ich da in die Cam halte ist dieses hier und das gibt es hier:Synthesizer-Magazin SynMag

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Palette – lots of modular knobs

Palette is an approach like Mawzer – you can put your knobs where you like them to be, but they are quite large. so this may apply to some simple things like Photoshop controls – but one large perfect self made controller of your own will be hard to do – nice and cool lego’eque idea – anyway. eine tolle Idee – einen eigenen Controller zu bauen. So träumten auch schon andere wie Mawzer – das Problem – die einzelnen Knöpfe und Elemente waren meist sehr teuer und etwas groß. Deshalb wird…

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Wusik 4000 Modular

Wusik 4000 is sort of a modular system with sequencers that have flam/roll functions (thanks for that) like the Electribes had. it also provides granular sampling close to be released ->the site is here: Wusik 4000 it’s $99,95 for mac and pc – demo is up there as well. it also provides an SDK for dev’s who want to dive in or make something for direct connection. on that page find a module list and features. let’s say it’s all standards plus granular plus sequencer – so there we have it…

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ELSA Sampler (iOS APP) simple loopable with fast access dividers

simple sampler for the iPad – does loops (forward and alternating) – reverse must be done via reversing the sample in the editor, it has simple loudness ADSR envelope and one 2D Pad for FX (reverb included) and filters as fx as well. well – add those with ADSR.. those dots look like some action can be done 3 start/stop modes (one for all, one per note, one per octave) <– and this one. 1,79€ won’t hurt much – these number buttons are dividers for the sample length. still searching…

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