New Electribes – 4 more Videos from BPM2014 & Sonicstate (last one being the best detailed so far)

additional to this  basic info on the new tribes – it’s now clear, that there are the same filter modes like moog, SCI Prophet 5, Roland (Acid) and others from the King Korg that is in fact a nice synth engine – there’s not much more on what is in and what isn’t – those Pads seem not to be played dynamically? But maybe it’s just these very quick and dirty music fair demos.. just some .. um Preset Beats lightning on the bottom for.. posing? some more but with…

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Apple Event 9.Sept.2014 – iPhones 6 & Apple Watch

Well, Apple are now close to say something they „wish to say more“ – the keynote will be at 19:00 (german time) – all nerd and fanboy-sites are set .. the live stream will be from this building – they did a lot – days and weeks before – there have been so many rumours about watches, iPhones and – for us musicians – new larger iPads as well as mobile computers without any ventilation/fans at all maybe based on ARM technology (as iPads do) but working with OS X.…

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Akai Rhythm Wolf – Reality Check – the sound

so many fakes and fun stuff (eWolfing over times of not seeing or hearing it) – finally it sounds like this: – well if it’s all right.. never seen one that works – still. Akai Pro Rhythm Wolf (Demo)Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen more things to wolf down your throat eyes.. new MS hardware MPCs status: still waiting.. and some pure recordings of each instrument except the Bass Synth.   die obige Demo zeigt in etwa was mit allem so generell gehen könnte und die Soundcloud-Demo eine Reihe von Klangeinstellungen in…

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Musotalk Eisenberg VIER Wochennews (noch ohne Tribes)

war mal wieder im Gard Haarstudio – also bei Non Eric in der Sendung.. was kommt raus? Dies:   wir stellen vor: Eisenberg 4fach Doepfer MS404 Analog Synthesizer Simulation (krasse Idee, oder?) – 4x 1 VCO-Synths mit schnellstem LFO jeweils, allerdings trotz der Anordnung wie beim Perfourmer Mk 2 nicht zu FM-Möglichkeiten verbindbar, also mehr was für FETT und wegen des LFOs aber durchaus für interessante Sounds geeignet. Aber interessant ist die „Verlinkung“ von Parametern – ein anderer Ansatz zu Angeboten wie Morphing von Clavia etc. NI bringt Komplete 10 und neue Tastaturen (Fatar-basiert)…

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Korg – Completely New Electribes! + Sample Volca (added)

Korg has just announced 2 new Electribes that are more successors of the ESX and EMX series, Electribe Sampler 2s and Electribe 2 (like Apple: the new Electribe) both are subtitled as  „Music Production Station“ (MPC) – they are digital – they both got MIDI of course and can be battery driven. Sync via mini jacks that fit well with the volcas (analog sync). The MIDI jacks are connected via a cable/adapter – that’s why you can’t find it anywhere.. and they talk about „integration with Ableton Live“ what ever this…

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Synthesizer-Magazin #46 ab 19.9.2014 überall

SynMag #46 kommt am 19.9.   Maschinen Elektron Analog Rytm – Analog geklopft und mit Samples in die Zukunft Erfindet Moog das Theremini neu oder ist digital einfach besser? Clavia Nord Drum 2 + Drumpad mit Triggereingängen für Schlagklangpurismus. – Achtung kleiner „Bug“: Der alte Nord Drum hat natürlich Trigger-Eingänge (4 Stück) anders als es im Artikel fälschlicherweise steht – aber keinen Anschlüss für die Pads (in Form des RJ45 Steckers). Tubbutec macht aus dem Korg Polysix was Neues (MIDI, Sequencer, Detuning, Pitchmod..) Presonus Studio One – Vergleichende Religionswissenschaften für…

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Monome Modular – White Whale Step Sequencer

modular | monome. is a newer initiative from the guys who invented the matrix button controller before launchpad and push were even made – you got one Module and the Monome Controller – the knob on the module can be used to record values and automate them – there is quite a large number of patterns that can be adressed (64) and can control 2 CVs with one module – lots of standard chase light / TR type sequencer features are in like looping a pattern etc. and it’s called…

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