
Axoloti Modular Synth – DIY Clavia Micro Modular-Style (Indiegogo Projekt)

Axoloti is a DIY Modular synth project that has a lot in common with the  Micromodular , Micro Modular Modular Synthesizer by Clavia here’s what it does an looks like – the GUI – much like the Nord Modulars… H2SO4Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen and here’s his speech at the 31C3 (not that fast but listen to it! he’s at the ccc explaining it to nerds not among synth / musicians) the basic thing is this piece of hardware with MIDI, some buttons and a little display – and it reacts…

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SynMag Das Synthesizer-Magazin 48 : DSI Pro 2, Electribe 2, Jimmy Edgar …

SynMag #48 kommt am 23.Januar 2015.. Maschinen • DSI Dave Smith Instruments Pro2 – Kann der Pro One? Oder ist er doch einfach ein ganz neuer Synth? Ohne Frage ein König – aber wie gut? • Korg Electribe2 – Was sie wirklich kann? Ist sie was für mich? • Moog Werkstatt 01 – Selbstbau Moog – lohnt sich das? • Bastl Instruments – MicroGranny 2 LoFi Granular-Sampler • NI Komplete 10 und dazu passende und abgestimmte Controllerkeyboards – nützt das? • Pittsburgh Modular – Für den Transport gemacht • Faderfox…

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Music Search Engine: Artists Like Moogulator / Similar to Moogulator | MTV

every now and then music search engines come up and this one is todays last thing I found while searching for something on Mouse on Mars – Artists Like Moogulator | Similar to Moogulator | MTV. so it’s interesting how they see you. – are they right? try to find your band and check it out. just post your results if you like to… Habe mal wieder ein wenig rumgesucht, in dem Falle nach etwas anderem und das hier gefunden. Wenn du magst, probier mal ob das stimmt, was da raus…

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iOs App: Elastic Drums & Wretch Up (Mouse on Mars related)

Elastic Drums is a new iPhone app, it offers 6 tracks that can be easily programmed as 16step patterns, that can be chained and programmed as as song. 4 fx incl. reverb and gated reverb can be automated to it and recorded in realtime. Free Promo Codes – der frühe Vogel.. Grüße vom SynMag und und Danke an Oliver für die Codes: AA6L9JKJ9ARR 4RN4EAFY9EHH H6AFHX6EWWKW 3JWJEME3FAA9 33EWJYMT4AH7 6EEJJMRYJK39 4ELPL9YRTJJX TR36NWF7T7YE -> Einlösen -> Redeem Promo Code: the shown screen shot tells it – it’s a fm capable and…

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Logic Pro X. Buch von Heiner Kruse

Kollege Grünman, also „GreenMan“ aus Köln und DnB Kaiser seines Zeichens schreibt nicht nur mal für uns im SynMag, sondern hat jetzt auch ein Buch zu Logic Pro X geschrieben. Gedacht ist das für die, die einfach alles wissen wollen und benötigt keine große Kenntnis von Mac, Computer oder DAW Software aber geht auf alles ein was in Logic 9 und X so möglich ist und wie man das macht. Aber es ist nicht nur für die Einsteiger gemacht, enthält aber genug Information um eben auch diese auf der passende Level zu…

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SynthiLeaks: Roland JD-Xi Synthesizer (NAMM 2015) + Elka is back?

Leaks from somewhere – Beside the bigger brother, the JD XA Synth with hybrid technology – here’s a smaller version.. the Mini-Key Synth labelled JDXi $499 which is quite fair for what you get -> 530€ UPDATE: here’s a screenshot of one of the sound creators (Scherer) @ forum you explained this is a PART of all – which you can still edit on the JD-Xi – he did this CTRL set to create sounds more easily – note the upper part must be seen trippled! – so it is…

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2015 – little things

just some little things.. 1st thanks for always reading this blog.. found on facebook DSI Showroom: happy birthday Annie Lennox –> 60! she’s still great – and btw. Alison Moyet as well, she did an album last year.. and: I just tried Wolfram Alpha again – they still can’t deal with other languages then English – but it is still great to stop by, they can do math’magic on almost everything atm. they threw out this on me which looks like a subtle something – if you can read/understand german it…

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ARP Odyssey Korgessey Behringeressy. Korgs new ARPsichord #NAMM

ARP ODYSSEY is the one by Korg and seems to have full sized keys, 3 filters (2pole white face, moog and „Arp“ type of 24dB/oct) along with a drive switch and I assume it might have MIDI as simple as the MS20 mini has – note on and off – no velocity since the Odyssey has duophonic modes and is always in that mode it needs to be aware of 2 held keys. they seem to sell it under ARP rather than Korg?.. ..will  be here at NAMM 22.Jan 2015. as…

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