
Sequential (Dave Smith) Prophet 6 – very Prophet 5’ish Synth

it’s a lot like the 1x Multi Timbral, 5 Voice, (1978)   Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Analog Synthesizer but with some additions. -> bold – what is different to the P5 the Sequential Circuits Prophet 6, P6 Analog Synthesizer isn’t bad at all. Sounds a bit different but has new filters and OSCs. very hands-on, very easy and intuitive – ok – it is a classic concept so it should be- like the FX in this one. 2 VCOs- morphable wave shapes – PWM – Sync, 6 voices Triangle Sub Generator Slope for „analog“ detuning low & high pass filter velocity /…

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Arturia Beatstep Pro Sequencer + Audio Fuse

Beatstep Pro is not a fake – it’s a 64step sequencer. Arturia presents BeatStep Pro, Pure Sequencing PowerhouseDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen clock: analog in/out MIDI in/out USB (MIDI) 16 step buttons pressure sens.vel. pads 8 gate outs (!) 2 channels -> pitch – gate – velocity (6 jacks) displays note tie, 16x 2 sequences, 16 drum sequences (gates), 10Volts max., P: 250€ class compliant (MIDI for iPad) info pdf sonicstate: image of audio fuse, audio interface mentioned in this teaser video: info: NAMM 2015: Arturia Audio Fuse VideoDieses Video…

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macOS Synth Windows 

Roland – Promars for System 1

beside the JD-Xa and JD-Xi and the very interesting Aira MX Automator/Mix there is also something new for the System 1 platform – the Promars, MRS2 subtractive,analog synth – I recently sold mine. so there’s only some SHs and System 100 / 100m missing and the System 1 going polyphonic for emulation – maybe the new JD synths might do their part of that job. I assume this is not only a Plug-out but a Plug-in as well as SH101 and SH2 were..   img: – also did audio demos of…

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Vermona Synth „14“ – Lancet style Analogsynthesizer

first better image of the Vermona. „announced“ here @Xmas the name is  Vermona 14 <– yes! it took 14 years for them to be (re)allowed to use the name. nothing known so far – but have a look – but it IS a Lancet keyboard in a way. so it’s monophonic. NAMM 2015: Vermona 14 Mono SynthesizerDieses Video auf YouTube ansehen 14 hat u.a. analoge VCO mit jeweils 2 Sub-VCOs, CROSSMOD Noise, Mixer, klassisches Ladder-Filter mit 18+12+24db LowPass 2x ADSR, VCA, OSC and Filter FM – Sine Wave available! 1 umfangreicher…

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Heavily Modded / Expanded 303-style: Social Entropy Sequencer „Engine“ 8 CV/Gates

just a quote this time: Social Entropy (Ripe) Creator of the Quicksilver 303/606 CPU’s is showing his new 8-track prototype sequencer at NAMM this year called the Engine. It has a raft of features similar to the TB-303 and TR-606 QS CPU’s, and also a lot of other new features like skip (only seen on analog sequencers) and many more. Engine: There is also USB, and CV/Gate add-on too. no – it’s even cooler – it has 8 CV/gate outputs for 8 Tracks – the CVs are optional but……

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Test – Gforce Software Oddity 2 Synthesizer – deutsch

Ja, jetzt wo Korg den Hardware-Odyssey baut, mal einen Blick auf eine Software die genau das in polyphon tut und mit einem Suboszillator, und LFO und Hüllkurve dazu – übrigens ist dieser LFO ziemlich schnell und – das Teil eignet sich für etwas, für das man den Odyssey nie verwenden konnte: Flächen kann er erstaunlich gut. Mein Spar-Chroma (<– mit dem ich kürzlich einen kleinen Song veröffentlicht habe). Der Chroma wurde nämlich von ARP entwickelt als das letzte Projekt. Aber GForce anzusprechen hatte auch den Grund der hinter dem Link wartet,…

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DAW macOS 

Logic Pro X10.1 (2015)

hey, Apple seems to keep working on Logic X – and .. not being at NAMM (I think) here is a run down image stolen from CDN – see link above! – since apple .. well – never got an NFR or so.. so.. Automation by regions org’ed plugins multi touch EQ support + app retro synth + wavetables (so this is catching up with retrologue etc.) A NEW COMPRESSOR <—!!! the old one was sooo $%$%!! new quantize mode called „smart quantize“ names can be seen – got handles…

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