WALDORF Ideas & things to remember Part 2 Ideas & Tricks

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Ideas & Tricks… how many voices can the microQ do and what about the DSP-power??.. go HERE! UPAW wavetables.. how to make some..? 1) Use the UPAW assembler which is available as open source on the FTP-server. 2) Use the Polyframe (atari ST, was what is now sounddiver) Adaption georg müller created back in time for the Atari. 3) Use a Hex-Editor to code the SysEx directly. but normally you can use the ones,that are already in: FM, and some more using sounddiver. upaw…

Waldorf Info – Things to remember Part 1 Basics

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Basics… how many DSPs are in the XT? One!!!!! IIRC they are the same type used in Kyma, correct? Nearly, the Kyma uses Motorola DSP56309 and we use DSP56303, the only difference is that the 56309 has more on-chip RAM than the 56303.Waldorf V2.0 Beta team in 1994 and coding was done by Andreas Busse and Stefan Stenzel. Stefan focussed much on the Wavetable loader then. The machine use to code V2.0 was named RESI ;-) it was done on a SAM68K system, and…

4.8. Villanachttanz / Heidelberg Bilderflut & Videos

wir spielen wieder live (dada-inn)! und danach spielten wir auch mit der EK-Lounge zusammen bis 1:30 open air, hier sind Bilder von der EK Lounge (bei uns konnte ich ja nicht fotografieren).. aber dest4b (danke dafür!!) konnte: Videos: Bulldogs www.sequencer.de/events/eklounge/bulldogs.MOV dAdA-iNN www.sequencer.de/events/eklounge/dada-inn.MOV update: 2 Seiten Fotos: https://www.sequencer.de/events/eklounge/EK-Lounge_HD.html EK Lounge Gruppenfoto ohne Dame (ohne Dada natürlich hier..) aufbau der EK-Lounge.. gleich gehts los.. Theater gabs auch.. Er guckt doch ein bisschen wie Sven Väth? „Die Crowd“ so gegen 22:30 etwa.. oder? und G2 und K5000, nicht nur alles Analog, gelle?.. unserer…

NI rides again FM, absynth and battery new versions

http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=absynth4_de http://www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?id=fm8_de http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?massive_de http://www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?id=battery3_de note FM8 has no 8 OPs, it has lots of features, still the 8 is for showing it is a new Version.. incl a pattern Arpeggiator / Sequencer-like and a Morphing Sektion plus more FX and basically to INTEL-Macs – it works on Intels.. so most of us may switch to fm8.. Absynth 4 looks very much like it has a new UI and Morphing also aqnd Intel-Universal as a key feature.. for most of us „KORE“ integration may not be THE key feature.. but it…

NI Audio Kontrol 1

Audio Control looks a bit like a reduced KORE, it is in fact a Midi and Audio Interface – Connections look like this: Well, Audio Kontrol 1? So there will me more Controllers like this, sooner or later .. Thanks for using the „K“ .. It has a big Knob on Top for Volume Control and Data Entry. The Look is quite self-explanatory.. info dazu in deutsch – check this.. – shipping in October. Technische Spezifikation…