Test: SH101, MC202, CMU810

Moogulator Roland SH101 + MC202 Analogsynthesizer + Roland MC202 synthesizer / composer / sequencer +CMU810 computer synth module   By: Moogulator Hüllkurven und Filter gespielt mit dem internen Sequencer (kann auch transponiert werden) mp3 hören! LFO Speed.. mp3 hören! LFO Random, dann Noise mp3 hören! Autoglide=on! mp3 hören! Zurück ins Jahr 1983. Ein kleiner Synthesizer wird von Papa Roland in den Farben Grau, Blau und Rot auf den Markt der hart umkämpften monophonen Synthesizer. Was der kleine noch hat: Er ist einer der seltenen Synthesizer, die man mit Batterien betreiben…

Waldorf Info – Things to remember Part 1 Basics

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Basics… how many DSPs are in the XT? One!!!!! IIRC they are the same type used in Kyma, correct? Nearly, the Kyma uses Motorola DSP56309 and we use DSP56303, the only difference is that the 56309 has more on-chip RAM than the 56303.Waldorf V2.0 Beta team in 1994 and coding was done by Andreas Busse and Stefan Stenzel. Stefan focussed much on the Wavetable loader then. The machine use to code V2.0 was named RESI ;-) it was done on a SAM68K system, and…

Synthesizer Service – Reparatur nötig? Need Synthesizer Repair?

VINTAGE SYNTHESIZER / ANALOG SYNTHESIZER -SECTION!! ANALOGUE & HYBRID & VINTAGE SYNTHESIZER AREA WERE TO REPAIR A VINTAGE SYNTHESIZER? SYNTHESIZER? WO REPARIEREN: back to Moogulatorium (analog & vintage synthesizers seQtion) manuals / service manuals / schematics I still got some schemtics and service manuals.. habe noch folgende manuals/serviceunterlagen/schaltpläne als kopien: Schaltpläne / service manuals yamaha cs01,oberheim xpander,roland promars (mrs2),roland tr808, moog prodigy 10€ pro gerät. nur nach D. (wegen porto!) more schematics online here use the manufacturers and DIY sections (like search moog section for moog schemtics) use the main…

Euro Rack Module by Harvestman

http://www.theharvestman.org/2012.htm Video:  Youtube-Demo Strange and interesting Modules, mostly digital ones in Euro Rack (Doepfer) Format can be seen on the Harvestman site. the site says: current production: model 2012 „malgorithm“, bit depth/sample rate reducer [nov 2006] Youtube-Demo model 1986 „zorlon cannon“ pitched noise and gates [feb 2007] coming soon: model 9791 „hertz donut“ digital oscillator [2007] model 1973 „tyme sefari“ loop sampler / audio buffer [2007] roadmap (not read yet): model 1873 „bionic lester“ ill-behaved hybrid signal filter [2007] model 1963 „transcontiental rails“ buchla signal adaptor [2007] model 1991 „piston…

MCX16 12Bit Midi-CV-Interface 8CV, 8 Gates

MCX16 12Bit Midi-CV-Interface 8CV, 8 Gates 1:Assembled,  controller board and display board.  1500skr/150EU 2:Assembled , controllerboard.                                    1000skr/100EU 3:Assembled,  power supply board.                              200skr/20EU 4:Bare bone power supply PCB.                                       60skr/6EU looks like a good offer to me? MCX16 Midi to CV/GATE, DIN converter. * 16 chanells, configured as 8CV, and 8 Gate, assignable CC/Note/Gate/Velocy/Mod,Bend, etc. * 1 DIN Sync port. * High quality converter. * Designed primary for modular systems but controlls any synthesiser * Useful for many other applications, stage light, robotics, tempo controlled. * Quick responce times to CC changes. * Schematics…

SynthDB again: more synths and synth manufacturers.. mehr Hersteller und Synths in der SynthDB.

Hi, just another note about some synths added and menu got more manufacturers to watch.. the full list of manufacturers is now: – 3Lab – ABLETON – ACCESS – AIRBOURNE – AKAI – ALESIS – ANALOGUE SOLUTIONS – ANALOGUE SYSTEMS – ANYWARE (Semtex) – ARP – ARTURIA – BITSHIFT – BME – BOEHM (Dr.Böhm) – BUCHLA – CACTUS – CASIO – CELEMONY – CHEETAH – CLAVIA – CORON – CREAMWARE – CRUMAR – CURETRONIC – CWEJMAN – DAVE SMITH – DISCODSP – DOEPFER – DYNACORD – EDP – EKO –…

Modular Diary 2007 B

Modular-Diary O7: HW +Soft modulare: alltägliches Gedudel this is a Forum Thread containing „everydays modular experiments“ on the forum, here’s a delay module from doepfer, if you like to just listen.. deutsch: Dank unserer Modularuser im Forum gibts einige Folgen aus dem Alltag des Modularisten, Kapitel  9 enthält einige Delaymodul-Klangspiele wie hier von Funky40 und Co..  Cows are raving up the Mountains Das ist BBD stuff Noise geht parallel durch ein 256er und ein 512er, dann ab ins 4096er. A-188-1 BBD Module A-188-2 BBD Module The Rave is over, the…