Numerology 2 ist da … @

Numerology 2 ist da … @

Five12 has released Numerology 2 / Five12 hat Numerology 2 rausgebracht.

128 Steps, Velocity. Drumsynths.

  • A modular step sequencing music composition environment.
  • MIDI-based Note Sequencing modules for monophonic, polyphonic and drum sequencing.
  • Flexible CV & Gate Sequencer modules for ‚component-based‘ sequencing.
  • GrooveClock module for building custom grooves.
  • A variety of analog-synthesis-style modules for generating and processing streams of control (CV) data, including LFO’s, Envelopes and XY controllers.
  • Several MIDI processing and filtering modules.
  • Audio Unit hosting.
  • An eight-part sample-based DrumKit synthesizer.
  • A polyphonic sample-based AudioSample module for audio synthesis.
  • A flexible virtual-rack system for organizing modules into musical parts, called Stacks.
  • An integrated preset system for coordinating all module settings within a stack.
  • An easy to setup parameter modulation system for modulating almost anything from anything else.
  • MIDI remote control of almost any parameter.
  • A timeline-based playlist arrangement system.
  • A dedicated audio mixer with 8 stereo aux sends per stack.
  • Custom routing of CV, Audio & MIDI data streams.
  • Stereo audio recording of the Master and Alt output busses.
  • Flexible synchronization via MIDI Clock, MTC or ReWire.
  • Universal binary for Mac OS X, 10.4.11 or later.

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