NAMM 2016 Overview – Synthesizer News
NAMM 2016 – Overview – Übersicht
all posts updated (as always here on
- Make Noise Zero/no-Coast – Desktop Mini Synth – no classic structure! (confirmed)
- Dave Smith – Oberheim = OberDave!
–>DSI OB6 by Dave Smith + Tom Oberheim
- Why no Behringer? Well Amazona says, there WILL be something, but trust me – there is not even a clue about what it could be – but in 2016 something will come „everything is and was well done“ – they say. the problem is – they are all under NDA, so no chance – but a big yes for the Behringer – a non Odyssey, possibly a polyphonic synth since Behringer got the power to do so, there’s enough monophonic synths around so far – so I assume it must be polyphonic „rolandish“ sounding something with a rather hi level luxury sound..
- –> Arturia – luxury 3 VCO Paraphonic-Matrixsynth
more complex than Brutes with FM, Sync, 2 filters…
- Arturia Keystep Sequencer
Feature (german/deutsch)
Musotalk Donnerstag NAMM 2016 Talk 1 von 2
Stammtisch - News von der US Musikmesse NAMM 2016
Teil 2 von 2 – NAMM Freitag:
Stammtisch - News von der NAMM 2016 Teil 2
- NAMM Report via Greatsynthesizers, Part 2
- Waldorf Module cmp1, mod1, vca1 (confirmed)
–> KB37 Euro-Rack Keyboard (confirmed)
- –> Korg Volca FM
- Expressive E – Touché Controller
sensitive to the sides, top and bottom
- Korg Minilogue Synth (confirmed/official, real pics, released)
Emu Modular (eurorack) coming back (confirmed, pics)
–> new modules incl. Z-Plane (Morpheus) by Dave Rossum
- Modal as a Module:
Oscs and Filters from the 002 and 008 ($400)
and a MIDI CV interface
- Melodyne 4 – maybe not too synth related,
awesomely musical – here’s the harmonic correction
(check video at 9:00 ff)
- –>Teenage Engineering new Pocket Calculators
PO-20 (Arcade), PO-24 (Office), PO-28 (Robot) - OP-Z – something OP1’ish? (pic link)
wireless 16 track multitimbral synthesiser with fully sequenceable parameter locks, video synthesis & introduction of step components – and not exactly „pretty“ – video
- Keith McMillen has a multidimensional keyboard controller K-Board 4 ready.
- Zoom ARQ interesting Sequencing Blutooth Controller
- Roland A01 Controller
Mono Mini 8Bit Synth, Bluetooth, MIDI, CV
- updated: more Modules in Aira Customizer for digital Modules + System 500 officially released after 1 year..
- Marion Systems SEM Pro – Tom Oberheim makes the SEM as a eurorack module + Mini Sequencer (confirmed) – new version & name compared to 2015.
- Korg Nano Controller Bluetooth (confirmed, released)
- Yamaha Montage – Multi-Synthesis Synth
like Korg Kronos with „Alien Tech“ means -> Sampling & 8OP FM
- Yamaha Midi wireless
- MFB Tanzmaus / Tanzbär Lite – Drummachines are ready
- Bitwig supports touch gestures on MS Surface Pro (that’s not an iPad)
- Radikal – Stereo Phase Shifter RT602 Eurorack Module (left side), the other one is a dual multimode filter released last year
- Bastl – new modules (confirmed)
- Vermona has 2 more modules (filter, twincussion)
- Mellotron Micro – 2 Octave – same functionality as the big one:
(another image), Price?
- Rob Papen new stuff (Prism)
- FXpansion Cypher 2 (hi-end sounding analog-kind of synth)-
very surely will show new things (Cypher pix seen, modular synth seen)
- Presonus USB 3.0 Audio Interface Studio 192
- U-He RePro 1 – confirmed, but will not come in the next month, more like 2 or 3 or…
- Casio MZ-X (still thinking of this not being a real synth.. but..)
- Akai AX Analog-Synth-re-Launch – Might be a great board for us to bring back… (confirmed/official, no pics of any products)
- and new MPC software for the „old“ and „new“ series (video info) – possible in 6 month new hardware (check video) – and this studio controller in black (addition to the silver one):
Stammtisch - News von der US Musikmesse NAMM 2016
Korg hat sich den Namen “Nutube” schützen lassen. Da kommt wohl was.
korg nutube. trademark nov 18, 2014 Electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, vacuum tubes, amplifiers for musical instruments and effectors for musical instruments
last year ;)
Oops, right.
À la DX-10 im Folgenden ein Maschine rumour:
Wird 2016 ein weiteres Jahr des Hardware (Step) Sequenzers?
Sonicstate reporting that Malekko Heavy Industry, Sputnik Modular and Mutable Instruments are all working on new sequencer modules.
Saw a post on Roland’s FB page with the tag „hybriddrums“; the poster said she’d been playing with it for a few weeks and it’s something we’ve never seen before.
Statement of AkaiPro: “It’s easy to forgot how great the analog AX series synths sounded. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of its release, check out this #tbt sound demo video. Might be a great board for us to bring back.”
[…] NAMM info ist übrigens hier […]