iMac inside: changing HD + Ram

worth a look about opening the new iMac and change the Harddisc (Ram is quite trivial/easy, but learn how to change the Harddrive..)

Like Woz says on his Site the iMac is a very cool machine, to me it looks like the most value/power for the money but there’s one question: how about the hard drive? If you can live with external drives, it is easy and you can get the cheapest mac compared to the Desktop/Macbook Pros they come at a much lower price tag – so, the 2.4Ghz one with 24″ looks like the best recommendation about prices and power (there’s the fast 2.8Ghz one, but it costs you a lot, if you really need it, take it.. but if not, just wait for the next imac in 3-5 years or whenever the next computer is on your plans. Imo most of us do not really buy as often as they expect us to ;)


via Bebilderte Anleitung für Festplatten- und Speicherwechsel beim neuen iMac / Macnews

kleiner Bericht, wie man die Festplatte wechselt, ist nicht ganz einfach – aber machbar. für uns Musiker sicher wichtiger, da man ansich besser auch heute noch bei so hoher HD-Leistung die Platte nach 2-3 Jahren besser austauscht.

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