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news auf mpc forums:
„2 major german retailers don´t carry the ren anymore. so the ren indeed has been discontinued.“
da das mpc studio noch zu haben ist, bedeutet das, dass der touch aktuell der flagship mpc ist.
yamaha hat sich den namen „montage“ schützen lassen. richard devine hatte darüber geplaudert:
„Usually when I work with a company – for instance I’m working with Yamaha on a project right now; I can’t say what it is, but it’s pretty crazy. This synthesizer has new technology that’s never been implemented before, so it’s totally alien to anything I’ve ever used. I’ve had to spend a few weeks just understanding the architecture of it.“
im folgenden wird vermutet, dass es sich um den motif-nachfolger handelt:
„I figure with Yamaha’s naming conventions, anything starting with „MO“ is just gonna be another workstation keyboard. Montage-6, -7, -8, Montage Rack, etc“
Ja, ist bekannt. Klingt nicht nach neuer Erkenntnis. Das ist jetzt nur zu denen gestoßen. Ich hatte das vor Monaten auch mal geschrieben, hier und auf GN und so weiter.
At the moment there’s not much new stuff to it – it’s what’s been said month ago –
Yamaha WILL do another big thing – that’s not just a rumour and it’s about 2 things – Reface came out, so some ppl thought RD was referring to those, but it’s about another new thing which was planned for „now“ and are not ready – that’s a normal thing in music tech since it’s basically a lot of issues. but we will see it all coming.
MPC – my opinion is, there won’t be much more since touch is Akais new MPC and maybe they also plan something to replace the hw mpcs – atm touch seems not be what ppl really lust for as well as renaissance did not make it to the hearts so far. so they may just do things and hope and don’t ask too many musicians – we don’t know.
so everything can happen or just nothing at all.. ;)
> MPC – my opinion is, there
> won’t be much more
Wrong. A lot of Akai statements on Facebook stating „This is just the beginning“, in response to „standalone“ comments. There will be an announcement at NAMM re hybrid/standalone windows embedded mpc. Reason: Roland´s new standalone 16 pad sampler/workstation w/ ACB technology. My guess is also that NI is coming with a standalone Maschine based on the Rhizome. Native´s CTO Mate Galic and former Feeltune CEO Nicolas Piau were seen together. 2015 was the year of the hardware (step) sequencer), 2016 will be the year of the standalone hardware unit. The time of simple controllers is over. The Electribes were the beginnings. They lack song mode. Their event recorder is bullshit, because event recorder doesn´t work as midi slave. there´s no way one can hook the two electribes together, one being the master, one the slave when using the event recordings. shitty engineering.