
Dave Smith – it’s an Oberheim – the OB6 – the OberDave 6! Polysynth

es ist ein Oberheim OB6, den DSI vorstellt!
it’s an Oberheim by Dave. And there will be a Rack/Desktop-Version

Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith = OB6
Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith = OB6

Audio (src: Bonedo) OB_6_01.mp3

DSI baut tatsächlich den OB6 mit SEM Filter (inkl Morphing von LPF nach HPF) und BPF Modus, sonst ist er weitgehend so ausgestattet wie der Prophet 6, allerdings hat der die Modulations-Abteilung typisch wie bei Oberheims klassischen polyphonen Synths. Und er beherrscht Crossmodulation!

2999€ – ready in 1 month. (march/april)

it’s an Oberheim from Dave Smith!


for the real geeks here – how it looks like on the inside – the voice boards are much of the size like RAM for your computer – SMD!
back & front – gr
een: P6, blue: OB6:

Tony (Kara) tech of DSI says:

The core of the Oberheim VCO is not the same as the core of Prophet 6 VCO. While they are both saw integrators, the topology is quite different and the compensation is also quite different. I actually used tighter regulation on the P6 card, and loosened it up a bit on the OB card. You never know exactly what you’ll get until you actually build it and hear it, and we liked what we heard.

The OB VCO did come directly from the SEM, but of course in order to make it programmable, we had to add extra stuff. Also, the triangle never existed in the SEM, so that was a lift from the P6.

The filter is a direct lift from the SEM, as was the one in the Pro 2. Again, we added stuff to make it all programmable.

The digital control of this voice does not ‚lock down‘ the frequency of any of the cards. We calibrate them, like any microprocessor-controlled analog voice, and the slop allows us to push the voice into more unstable territory.

We actually never knew another voice or instrument was coming to this platform when we worked on the architecture of the Prophet 6.

Dave Smith Instruments today announced the OB-6

NAMM2016: Dave Smith Instruments OB6

  • new 6-voice synthesizer
  • with all-analog signal path and discrete VCOs and filters d
  • developed in collaboration with Tom Oberheim.
  • sound engine inspired by Oberheim’s original SEM (core of his acclaimed 4-voice and 8-voice synthesizers
    – flanger / phase shifter, ringmodulator – says dave in the video.

“Tom and I have been friends and friendly competitors since the late 1970’s. Back in the day, people were typically in either the Prophet or the Oberheim camp. Now, with the Prophet-6 out and doing so well, we thought it would be fun to combine our strengths and bring back Tom’s classic polyphonic sound, too — in a modern format.” Added Oberheim: “A lot of people, myself included, have always felt that the SEMs had a certain uniquely big, organic sound unlike anything else. Working with Dave to make that sound widely available again with some modern touches and full programmability has been real a pleasure.”

  • 2 discrete voltage-controlled oscillators (plus sub-oscillator) per voice,
    – continuously variable waveshapes (sawtooth / variable-width pulse, triangle on oscillator 2.
  • SEM-inspired state-variable filter (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch)
  • analog VCAs
    . “The classic, bold SEM sound is all there,” said Oberheim.
  • X-Mod, -> filter envelope and oscillator 2 as modulation sources (with bi-polar control). Destinations include oscillator 1 frequency, oscillator 1 shape, oscillator 1 pulse width, filter cutoff, and filter mode.
  • dual effects section : reverbs, delays / BBD, chorus, and faithful recreations of Tom Oberheim’s acclaimed phase shifter and ring modulator. 24-bit, 48 kHz
  • multimode arpeggiator
  • polyphonic step sequencer 64 steps (6 notes per step) plus rests. realtime input
  • full-size, four-octave, velocity & aftertouch sensitive.

1st quick audio demos

Oberheim Dave Smith OB6 Demo by INHALT

DSI / Tom Oberheim - OB6 - live looping demonstration

“As with the Prophet-6, we made size a primary concern on the OB-6. It’s the right mix of power and portability and it fits right in on-stage or in the studio.” Added Oberheim,  “And of course, it’s got that unmistakable SEM sound that’s going to turn a lot of heads. ”

dsi ob6

bisher / speculation before that was:

Wir haben ein erstes Bild –
DSI baut wohl einen neuen kleineren Synthesizer irgendwo zwischen Prophet 6 und Pro 2 – vermutlich vierstimmig? Das würde passen. Wir vermuten einfach mal – bessere Bedienung, wenig Doppelfunktionen, komplett analoge Signalkette (VCOs aus P6 und Filter aus P6) und mit Poly-Sequencer aus genau dem, und eben einfacher direkter Bedienung, denn er ist wirklich voll mit Knöpfen und schön klein. Der Mopho 4x wird wohl aus dem Sortiment fallen, er würde prima ins Set passen (ein paar weitere Gedanken dazu).
Vielleicht ist er ja mit 3 OSCs ausgestattet? Das Panel ist ja wirklich groß! Oder er ist gar nicht hier zu sehen und es wird ein Sequencer oder ein ganz anderes Gerät? Diskutieren: DSI Neuer Synth (@NAMM)

This is all we got – a video sequence – a new synth from Dave Smith. We can spot a compact Pro 2 – kind of synth with lots of knobs, so I assume it is some sort of 4 voice addition to let the Mopho 4x go and work fine in the Pro 2 and Prophet 6 line with direct access WYSIWYG-Panel, means – maybe just 2 LFOs and a poly sequencer like on the Prophet 6, but with that addition of another LFO since it is a bit missing – and it’s less complex than the Pro 2 and possible cheaper and fully analog signal path with the P6’s VCOs instead of the P2’s digital ones.
That posting is from a „3teeth“ named guy, so it might be 3 OSCs which would be new to DSI Synths as well and – this panel looks crowded enough to be true.
btw – there are rumours, Tom Oberheim could be envoled in here – but it is no more than speculation by forum users atm. – so it’s all without confirmation.
well and still it is possible that the new DSI could be something else like a sequencer or something, since this image must not necessarly be the new product but a teaser – in that case just check back what’s  exactly written on that 3teeth page..

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