instant sample-to-synthesizer Reaktor Ensemble Skanner (free) algorithmicalizes samples

you need to register, but it’s free. this is a synth, that samples a sounds (looks like it is sort of algorithmically?) so you can say it instantly samples any sound and „converts“ it into something playable without being a real audio sample actually. sounds strange? the last time I heard about things like this was, when Technos Acxel Digital Synthesizer  was released – but does not look exactly like it – don’t know what „they“ have used (Stefan Schmitt, the founder of NI programmed it).  – so maybe try it out .. SKANNER  ok,…

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Logic @ App Store – Logic Pro X coming?

Apple is kind of strange, from now they sell Logic Pro 9 for 150€ and Main Stage 2 for 24€, of course it’s smaller (430MB). So Logic X might be one step closer, and since they actually SELL Logic Pro 9 it looks a LOT like a completely new non compatible Logic Pro X coming sooner or later. Since they don’t need package and posting it it’s cheaper – but they also threw away all those sound packages on the DVDs, most of the built in effects are unchanged since…

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Thunderbolt Audio Interfaces? And why the hell no 24 analog in interface?

Thunderbolt Audio Interface?. in addition to the Macbook Air Posting and the Mac / Audio situation – Apogee says Thunderbolt audio interfaces / soundcards will soon be available. High end products will come first. I doubt low end audio products will implement this standard – they will stick with USB IMHO. Apogee this is very likely to Apple abandon whole techologies, eg. killing Firewire without notice to the hardware audio makers.. “Technology like this only happens about once a decade. We are thrilled about the performance and simplicity Thunderbolt technology will…

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Macbook Air vs iPad (sizes of the 11″ compared to the iPad)

just a little change to compare the sizes – this is the Macbook Air 11″ ok, the Air isn’t really made for music, but in fact it’s much faster than the first Intel Macbook 1.1 (2.0 GHz), about twice as fast. It has no firewire, only 2 USB ports – via Thunderbolt there are already „interfaces“ that make firewire, usb from it, the new cinema display 27″ is one of those, but there’s also one that does not force you to buy displays – of course.  they are still rare,…

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Forum • Logic Pro X Gerüchte

Logic X soll angeblich bald kommen oder angekündigt werden.. … 51053.html … pro_x.html Angeblich nur über Appstore, außerdem Angst, dass das ganze in den Einsteigerbereich abstürzen könnte wird im Artikel gedämpft. Was Apple so macht ist bekanntlich extrem willkürlich/random, kann gut sein, dass da irgendwas passiert, was das Profilager gar nicht mag. Hoffe selbst auf MIDI (Sounddiver), Stepsequencer im Electribe Stil und USB Management schonmal im Voraus,damit ich nachher meckern kann. Oder wird es ein Final Cut Pro X für Prosumer-Hobbyleute mit Audiospur? Mal sehen.. via Forum…

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Smaller Maschine Mikro from NI + Update 1.7

NATIVE INSTRUMENTS :they have shrunken the Maschine: Mikro, they changed the display and size, may fit in nice in front of the macbook pro?.. the software upates to 1.7, my experience with standalone 1.6 was: freezing. so hope for better stability. 350€. So it’s about 200€ less compared to the bigger one. – In German this little Maschine should be called Maschinchen

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