Ableton Live 9.2 – (Beta-Test) – Subtilrevolution

Beta Testing has started – Ableton Live 9.2 will improve things more silently – means – there so revelutionary stuff to show up but.. well Push has to improve but they’re not talking about revolutions. it’s 64 pads usage instead of the current reduced (drum) set of 16. so to say a swap mode 16 <-> 64. better pressure support and touch strips configurations which is a good thing. can be used as a mod or bend „wheel“ – then/now. you can grab the beta or wait till it’s all…

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App DAW macOS 

Camel Audio is now owned by Apple – Apple kauft Camel Audio

it’s now for sure – Camel Audio has been acquired by Apple. As a user we can refer to CA’s service until this Summer / July. So expect something to come in Logic / Garage Band 10.2 right? And Apps? Expect no Windows stuff anymore! New „formal“ Address is now Apple London / (Heather Joy Morrison), that’s why it is known now – not that Apple ever have posted something official ;) Ja, Camel Audio (Alchemy und diverse Plugins wie „Space“ und „Phat“..) gehören jetzt Apple, dh. wir können wohl…

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DAW macOS 

Logic Pro X10.1 (2015)

hey, Apple seems to keep working on Logic X – and .. not being at NAMM (I think) here is a run down image stolen from CDN – see link above! – since apple .. well – never got an NFR or so.. so.. Automation by regions org’ed plugins multi touch EQ support + app retro synth + wavetables (so this is catching up with retrologue etc.) A NEW COMPRESSOR <—!!! the old one was sooo $%$%!! new quantize mode called „smart quantize“ names can be seen – got handles…

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Controller DAW Synth 

MIDI HD – the new standard!

MIDI is now 30 years old an initiated by Dave Smith – the first ever synths to talk where the SCI Prophet 600 and the Roland Jupiter 6. so they never really tried to make a new MIDI which is said not to fully replace MIDI but enhance it where needed. the problem is – do you need to throw things away because they have one MIDI HD or just no MIDI 1.0 connections since the new thing is a protocol not a 5 pin plug or even something new…

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Logic Pro X. Buch von Heiner Kruse

Kollege Grünman, also „GreenMan“ aus Köln und DnB Kaiser seines Zeichens schreibt nicht nur mal für uns im SynMag, sondern hat jetzt auch ein Buch zu Logic Pro X geschrieben. Gedacht ist das für die, die einfach alles wissen wollen und benötigt keine große Kenntnis von Mac, Computer oder DAW Software aber geht auf alles ein was in Logic 9 und X so möglich ist und wie man das macht. Aber es ist nicht nur für die Einsteiger gemacht, enthält aber genug Information um eben auch diese auf der passende Level zu…

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DAW macOS Special DAW Alternatives 

Numerology 4 Modular Step Sequencer (Soft)

Five12’s Numerology was updated to 4.0! It’s a Modular Step Sequencer that can be controlled by a Launchpad – means you can use controllers to set and arrange 128 steps that are modular. 4 is for 64bit support, realtime automation (yeah!), ableton push integration, Livid Probability added to Note Sequencers more OSC support (think of iPads and other stuff here!) updated sampler Clip Export for MIDI Chord „best fit“ function unlimited undo lots of details.. and yes it is a Mac Software. Numerology SE is $129. Numerology Pro is $199…

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