Alkex Prophet-style Controller for USB and MIDI

In opposition to the wonderful but non-buyable but brilliant Controllers by Synth-Project this one is avkailable for 400USD and has MIDI and USB and the Layout of the Prophet 5. later it will be 500 Dollars. All Controllers can be assignet via a software (OS X) Alkex Professor is the official name. Der Professor ist ein dem Prophet 5 nachempfundener Controller, den man auch kaufen kann, er ist frei belegbar über eine OS X Software und bietet MIDI und USB. Die Diskussion über den jetzt erhältlichen ImpOSCar 2 brachte die…

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Roger Linn LinnStrument @ Forum

The Linnstrument ist larger now, a lot larger. Basically it is a Touch-„plate“ which responds to pressure as well. Find some Infos here: The most new part is that the lettering is gone, so you need to make your own scales which is of course better but maybe harder to learn without anything printed on it? also it reminds more of a guitar (neck) so in the country of guitars it might sell better, then? and of course it is a bit closer to the Haken Continuum (the tour with…

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A special controller The Beatjazz for 2 hands,both got  some buttons to play and transpose, both got sort of gyroscope kind of sensor in it, so it’s important how you hold those 2 things , but no there’s a laser built in for that. and a mouth piece. and obviously Max/MSP as a converter – see the smart phone?.. but don’t know the app it is running… BEAT JAZZ by ONYX ASHANTI.

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Livid Code – MIDI controller

This is the more „controller“ kind (compared to the more clip-starting-optimised Ohm and Block controller).check: Livid Instruments‚ Site. 32 LED rings and push buttons around them. of course this comes not at the price of a Behringer BCR2000. prices are in US$, so possibly still the reason why they are not so common over here in europe / germany? First Look @ Livid Code MIDI controller.

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