BroadWAVE Modular “Big Bertha”
BroadWAVE Modular “Big Bertha”. The new page shows it!
reminds of the older broadwave ideas (this post/thread@forum):
BroadWave Synth – ARP2600 Clone
So, what does it consist of?
4 x VCO – 3 x CV Mod inputs, 1 x Linear FM input, 2 x PWM CV inputs, Sync in/out, Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine outs
1 x 24dB Low Pass VCF – 4 x Signal inputs, 2 x CV Mod inputs, 1 x Resonance CV Mod input, VCF out
1 x 12dB State Variable VCF – As above but with Low, Band and High Pass outputs
2 x VCA – Signal in, 2 x CV Mod inputs, Log/Lin select, VCA out
3 x ADSR – Gate in, Trigger in, Short/Long Time switch, Gate indicator, ADSR out
2 x Voltage Controlled LFO – 2 x CV Mod in, 1 x PWM CV Mod in, Saw, Square, Ramp, Triangle outs
1 x Noise Module – White, High Pass, Low and Grainy out, Random Trigger out
1 x Sample & Hold with Lag – Sample in, CV for Clock Rate, Trigger out, Sync in, CV Out
2 x Ring Mod – 1 x AC Coupled, 1 x DC Coupled (
4 Channel AC/DC Mixer/Inverter – Each channel has 3 inputs, Inverted output available
2 x Lag Processor
4 x Buffers (1 in 4 out)
4 x Passive Multiples (4 groups of 5, normalised for 2 groups of 10)
8 x Passive Multiples