ARP2600 Clone – TTSH – Two Thousand Six Hundred (DIY Kit) by Human Comparator
the ARP2600 Synth is almost as hard to get as the Jupiter 8. so why not just clone it – take the soldering iron to make it real? this is how it looks like..
Here’s a final well built Twentysixhundred TTSH ARP 2600 Minisynth – and it seems very right in size. At least for me.

It will be available as a kit containing PCBs and front panel (Nothing is pre-built). -> The goal is to release it this fall, September preliminary.
The exact price is not set yet. It will be announced on this site during August. But expect the build (I.e. this kit + components) to cost $1000 without the case.
it’s 73% smaller – yeees – reminds of the 86% MS20 Mini, huh? But Things got smaller over time, so .. to me a good thing.. – it is using the middle era filters 4012 (grey/black case)
very purist version – nothing changed. so it is also PWM not for all of the VCOs and one AR and ADSR envelope. maybe it is possible to change that since musically it makes sense to change at least the AR envelope that has it’s sustain level at maximum and therefore will not be as percussive and fast as the ADSR.
anyway a very very cool project on a very good sounding synth.
so here’s why: Q, Wouldn’t it be a much better synth with an extra ADSR or LFO or S&H, etc? It might be. But then it would be something else than a two thousand six hundred. So it’s not something that will happen.
btw – sync mod is also possible but not implemented as well as maybe faster LFO. but since it is made in times where ppl thought vibrato is enough for LFO speed it may still be cool.
thats all what I could say about cloning it everything else is positive. well – since there are no complicated parts inside and no encapsulated modules etc this may be a perfect chance for us to get one of these..
-> Forum über den 2600 Clone -> The Human Comparator TTSH ARP 2600 clone
prototype testing looks like this
more basic testing video
they offer the PCB and parts, but you need to get a case and all that stuff..
maybe you can change that AR-envelope to a more suitable ADSR? that’s the only thing I don’t get, still ;)
TTSH – Two Thousand Six Hundred. project from sweden.
in deutsch: Forum: The Human Comparator TTSH ARP 2600 clone
the original – info about the ARP 2600 modular analog synth
Built 1970
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2005 ca. 2500 € (-)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular fm ring pwm filterFM
Wave Shapes pulse saw sine triangle noise colour
3 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs triangle
2 Envelope Generators 1xADSR 1xAR loop
CV GATE Control / Triggering
49 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
another classic clone project: EMS Synthi
[…] ARP2600 Clone – TTSH – Two Thousand Six Hundred (DIY Kit) by Human Comparator […]
[…] 2800€ which is a very fair price. especially because switzerland isn’t a cheap place to live. alternate ideas is DIY TTSH […]