22-24.5.2015 Modular Synthesizer Meeting, Germany – // reminder: Happy Knobbing – Anyware Instruments Moodulator – showcase
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Happy Knobbing Modular Synthesizer Meeting 2014
wird spannend, tolle Leute werden kommen!
put your modular in your overloaded car.
…and a new analog synth from
Anyware-Instruments called the Moodulator (not Moogulator!)
first cell phone images from first day evening – more coming soon
- 2 VCOs
- Audio Speed LFO
- 3 EG’s find controls of the smaller AD at bottom right
- Filter-FM / Ringmodulator
- White / Pink Noise
- huuuge sound!
- MIDI & CV control
tech block diagram - –> also…
- Roland System 1m and JD Xa and Modules showcase and a lot of
- more DIY and semi-DIY stuff..
it was totally wired fun!
-> High Resolution Images (2 Batches) are here
[…] Images & last call was/is still here […]