YS200, TQ5 Digital Synthesizer + simple sequencer Yamaha

TQ5 pic thx e6o5/58885 (link)
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other YAMAHA gear..
Built 1988
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
8 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 110 € (rare)
Synthesis: fm
OSC Features fm
Wave Shapes sine + 7x digital
4 OSCs
0 Filter
1 LFOs square triangle saw s+h
5 Envelope Generators 4x ADLDR 1x 3stage
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer simple sequencer
(ID 125)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
8 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 110 € (rare)
Synthesis: fm
OSC Features fm
Wave Shapes sine + 7x digital
4 OSCs
0 Filter
1 LFOs square triangle saw s+h
5 Envelope Generators 4x ADLDR 1x 3stage
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer simple sequencer
(ID 125)

ABOUT Exotic Version of the DX27 with Sequencer. edit sounds only via computer. strange design.
ABOUT Exot mit DX27-Klangerzeugung und Sequencer. sounds edit: computer nötig! seltsames design.
DETAILS the keyboard sends velocity but max. 120, so something missing from 121 up to 127, remote midi gear might sound "weak" when controlled from the DX7. 16bit DACs and 4 OP FM. 8 algorithms how the OPs (OSCs) are routed. fast lfo. all OPs have velocity control. Envelope: like ADSR but with 2 Decay rates and Level (quite like 2nd Sustain).
DETAILS die Tastatur sendet Velocitywerte bis 120 (es fehlen also die Werte 121-127), ansonsten ist sie gut. Zum DX7 allgemein: 16bit Wandler und 4 OP FM. es gibt 8 algorithmen wie die OP (Oszillatoren) verschaltet sind. fast lfo. jeder OP hat Velocity-steuerung. Hüllkurve: Attack mit 2 Decayphasen ( D1, D2 und Level) plus Release.
SOUND everything metallic, percussive, bizarre digitale landscapes, bells, e-pianos, experimental, quite
SOUND alles metallische, perkussive, glockige, e-pianos aber auch interessante bizarre digitale landschaften, experimentelles.
VERSION rack version: TQ5, key: YS200
VERSION rack version: tq5 , key: YS200