WSA1 Digital Synthesizer Technics
Built 1995
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
64 Voice / Stimmen
32x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 500 € (rare)
Synthesis: physical modeling
OSC Features rom samples + physical model
Wave Shapes sample + physical model
4 OSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf reso + EQ + double reso bpf 2-4 Pole
4 LFOs square tri saw random
8 Envelope Generators adsr?
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 399)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
64 Voice / Stimmen
32x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 500 € (rare)
Synthesis: physical modeling
OSC Features rom samples + physical model
Wave Shapes sample + physical model
4 OSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf reso + EQ + double reso bpf 2-4 Pole
4 LFOs square tri saw random
8 Envelope Generators adsr?
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 399)

ABOUT unconventional Synthesizer from an unconventional company, I am sure the WSA did not sell well for the bad assotiations about a non-real synthesizer company.. it had samples as "driver" but the resonator part was PM, 4 layers possible also as rack.
ABOUT Ein ungewöhnlicher Hersteller für einen solchen Synthesizer, der vermutlich nur wegen des verrufenen Namens nicht gut verkauft wurde. Er bot Physical Modeling "teilbauweise", denn er hatte Samples als Driver und nur der Resonator ist PM. 4 Layer Möglich. Auch als Rack.
DETAILS not so snappy filters but still very interesting , not soo fast envelopes but very interesting phys. model. based resonator allowing to put sounds through pipes, cones or plates.. dual resonating BPF (the resonance is doubled not the filter), sort of formant resonator. parameter: FITTING; MUTING und SUBreso GAIN, 32x multi but really usable "only" with 16.
DETAILS nicht so "schnelle" filter, dennoch interessant (!) schnelle hüllkurven sind das hier nicht ,jedoch durch phys. modeling resonator verformbare Rom-Samples.. doppeltresonanter BPF! formanten-resonator. parameter: FITTING; MUTING und SUBreso GAIN, 32facher multi, sinnvoll nutzbar mit 16.
SOUND organic Sounds, movements.. much better than expected.
SOUND organische Sounds und Bewegung.. ist wesentlich besser als sein Ruf!!
VERSION rack + keyboard
VERSION rack + keyboard