S750, S770, S760 Sampler Roland

S760 thx micromoog - S770 + S750 are 2Unit
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other ROLAND gear..
Built 1991
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
24 Voice / Stimmen
32x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 240 € (rare)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features ram samples 18MB max.
Wave Shapes samples
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf reso 4 Pole
2 LFOs saw triangle square random s+h
2 Envelope Generators 4time-level
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 362)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
24 Voice / Stimmen
32x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 240 € (rare)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features ram samples 18MB max.
Wave Shapes samples
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf reso 4 Pole
2 LFOs saw triangle square random s+h
2 Envelope Generators 4time-level
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 362)

ABOUT Sampler (S series), the S750 had a nice digital filters, also TV-Monitor could be used for edits by internal edit software.. S760 was only 1 rack units high.
ABOUT Dieser Sampler hatte sehr früh schon digitale aber gute klassische Roland Filter, damals noch selten - in digitaler Form und normal erweise nicht gut klingend.. Monitoranschluss für TV/Monitor, um alles zu editieren.. S760: spätere 1HE-Rackversion
DETAILS a sampler that is more a real synthesizer, it can do things that are comparable to the JD/JV Series.. 48khz, 16bit, S770: 40MB HD, S770: digital in , S760: later 1HE-Rackversion (1994) max. 32MB.
there are so called structures like in the JD990 that combine 2 OSCs and filters. but a real Xmod in a Sampler happened to us in the VSynth decades later when granular sampling was new and in fact it was more a synth with sampling and therefore added Xmod to it, anyway the S Series starting with 7 was powerful for it's time and had good filters, vel. switching and everything you might expect today.
there are so called structures like in the JD990 that combine 2 OSCs and filters. but a real Xmod in a Sampler happened to us in the VSynth decades later when granular sampling was new and in fact it was more a synth with sampling and therefore added Xmod to it, anyway the S Series starting with 7 was powerful for it's time and had good filters, vel. switching and everything you might expect today.
DETAILS ein Sampler, der eher die Möglichkeiten eines Synthesizer hat, in etwa auf Höhe der JD/JV Serie.. 48khz, 16bit, S770: 40MB HD, S770: digital eingang. S760: spätere 1HE-Rackversion (1994) mit max. 32MB
Es gibt 6 Structures wie im JD990, jedoch ist natürlich zwischen den (2) OSCs (und 2 filtern) keine Aktion wie Sync etc. möglich. Das ist für Sampler ungewöhnlich und wurde erst später mit dem VSynth in From von Xmod etc. ermöglicht.
Es gibt 6 Structures wie im JD990, jedoch ist natürlich zwischen den (2) OSCs (und 2 filtern) keine Aktion wie Sync etc. möglich. Das ist für Sampler ungewöhnlich und wurde erst später mit dem VSynth in From von Xmod etc. ermöglicht.
SOUND flexible sampler with Xmod (FX!!)
SOUND sehr flexible samples und FX durch Xmod, auch filter..
VERSION S/750/S770 nearly the same exept S770 has HD + more RAM. OS 2.25, S760 smaller rack (1 instead of 3 rack units high), 32MB max.
SP700 - Playback-Version (no inputs)
SP700 - Playback-Version (no inputs)
VERSION S750/S770 fast gleich ausser interne HD / RAM, OS 2.25, S760: spätere 1HE-Rackversion 32MB max.
SP700 - Playback-Version (ohne Sample-Inputs)
SP700 - Playback-Version (ohne Sample-Inputs)