Jupiter 4 Analog Synthesizer Roland
Built 1979
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
small Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1500 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm filter fm
Wave Shapes pulse saw noise white
1 OSCs + 1 SubOSCs
2 Filter static hpf + lpf reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs square saw sine
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
49 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 22)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
small Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1500 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm filter fm
Wave Shapes pulse saw noise white
1 OSCs + 1 SubOSCs
2 Filter static hpf + lpf reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs square saw sine
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
49 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 22)

ABOUT The JP4 is a quite under-rated synth. closes the gap between the SH series and the bigger Jupiters 6 and 8, that sound more aggressive. very nice fast LFO!
ABOUT Der JP4 is ein extrem unterschätzter "kleinster" Jupiter, klingt jedoch deutlich anders als die beiden grossen Modelle 6 und 8 und schliesst damit die Verbindung zwischen der Vorgänger Serie (SH) und den kleinen Juno Modellen. wundervoller superschneller LFO und ENVs.
DETAILS very fast LFO goes up to audio speed (about 80Hz) and has unison mode, has S+H based on LFO triggered clocking. the arper and voice assignment ist similar to the System 100m keyboard 184
DETAILS ein netter 1 VCO Synth mit Subosc. LFO kann ENV neu triggern. ext. input. weiss und rosa rauschen, er hat einen S+H basierten modulationseingang für den Filter, der bei Arper - Nutzung genutzt wird. LFO ist sehr schnell und ermöglicht interessante Sounds und Filter FM (80 hz max etwa). die Stimmenverwaltung und der Arper ist identisch mit dem poly-Keyboard 184 des System 100m.
SOUND fat basses and leads. warm-cold clinical sounds caused by the fast audio speed LFO and very percussive sounds (fast envelopes). it is big , so it is not the first choice for live performances. 8 user memories, but can only be recalled, if you want to store one you need to go to manual mode and save it from there.
SOUND fette baesse und leads, warmkalte FM sounds, metallisches, klinisches - dazu sehr schnelle hüllkurven und daher auch perkussive überzeugende percussion sounds, bassdrums etc. nicht perfekt für live (sperrig und gross). die 8 (acht!) Speicher können nicht direkt editiert werden, nur aus dem "manual mode" gespeichert werden, daher sinnlos..
VERSION the promars is a one voice version but with 2 VCOs but no arper or s+h mod by arper clock. there was a mod./midi interface that allowed all parameters to be midi controllers and more memory.
- Kampfhofer MIDI - unfortunately Dieter Kampfhofer does no more of these:
- Full MIDI Controller support on all knobs. all the knobs and sliders, joystick are midified plus: note on/off, velocity, vca-mod, arpeggiator clock, etc.
- Extra LFO & waveform select.
- 2 independent and switchable ins and 2 outs. Note on and parameter changes can be controlled and/or received in 2 separate midi ins and/or outs also.
- Memory. Storable through midi & 4x internal - up to 128 is also possible.
- No "manual-only" progamming. Each program has instant access via any/all sliders and knobs. (the standard Jp4 will not allow edits on any of the 8 (!) memories).
- External signal input for internal "effects". more or less useful
- Kampfhofer MIDI - unfortunately Dieter Kampfhofer does no more of these:
- Full MIDI Controller support on all knobs. all the knobs and sliders, joystick are midified plus: note on/off, velocity, vca-mod, arpeggiator clock, etc.
- Extra LFO & waveform select.
- 2 independent and switchable ins and 2 outs. Note on and parameter changes can be controlled and/or received in 2 separate midi ins and/or outs also.
- Memory. Storable through midi & 4x internal - up to 128 is also possible.
- No "manual-only" progamming. Each program has instant access via any/all sliders and knobs. (the standard Jp4 will not allow edits on any of the 8 (!) memories).
- External signal input for internal "effects". more or less useful
VERSION der promars ist eine monophone version, der aber noch einen zweiten VCO hat, der aber nur ein tuning erlaubt und dieselben Wellenform-Enstellungen verwendet. natürlich ohne S+H trigger und arper. mod: es gab ein midiinterface - alle regler konnten in midi controller verwandelt werden und es gab mehr speicher.