Matrix 1000 Analog Synthesizer Oberheim

matrix 1000 pic thx to happy. (white version) (link)
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other OBERHEIM gear..
Built 1987
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
6 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm soft + hard sync fm
Wave Shapes pulse triangle saw noise
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
3 LFOs saw triangle square random s+h src
5 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR 2xD
MIDI SYSEX Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 178)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
6 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm soft + hard sync fm
Wave Shapes pulse triangle saw noise
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
3 LFOs saw triangle square random s+h src
5 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR 2xD
MIDI SYSEX Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 178)

ABOUT nice slimmed down version of the Matrix 6, can only be edited via Computer. lots of presets in ROM (800) and 200 RAM (user)
ABOUT eine abgespeckte Variante des Matrix 6, .. dennoch immernoch guter Klang. Leider nur via Computer editierbar. sehr viele ROM Presets (800) und 200 Ram (änderbar)
DETAILS filter resonance does not thin out the sound at all. there are at least 3 LFOs (one is for vibrato / multisounds). 3 ENVs, not that fast but .additional to that it has 2 simple ramps (simple Decay-envs),. all envs and LFOs are software by Marcus Ryle. has Release Velocity. nice multi-point tracking generator. needs to be edited via Computer, bug: One Env Parameter can not be changed, there are tricks.. Triangle to saw "morph". HARDWARE: Both Matrix use six CEM3396 'Synth on a Chip', M6 has wide body version (600mils), M1000 the small (300mils) one. Both Matrix synths have DCOs. Master clock is derived from a quartz on the Matrix 1000 and from three free running, software calibrated (voltage controlled) oscillators on the Matrix 6. M6 has a 4 to 2 split mode, the M1000 lacks this hardware, otherwise the voices are (nearly) the same. 6 CEM3396 Dual Wave Processor (Wide body?) old definitiion: Matrix 6 and Matrix 1000 differed in the way that the M6 had a couple of Curtis chips to generate a voice while the M1000 used a "synth-in-a-box" chip from Curtis that had the whole voice in one IC. Even the "Wave" selection feature was packed in there. I only don't know if Curtis developed this chip because Oberheim wanted them to do so. So, if someone wants to build his own analog synth, he might start with that chip. It's not the best sounding chip but very easy to build control circuitries around it. On the web, you might find interesting information about SSM and CEM chips.
DETAILS 'Für die damalige Zeit ein Modulationsmonster, dessen LFOs und ENVs durch Marcus Ryles Programmierkunst Hat Release Velocity. es gibt noch einen gemeinsamen Vibrato LFO. Resonanz dünnt nicht den klang aus bei hohen Werten! komplexer Tracking-Generator. Muss über Computer editiert werden zB Sounddiver etc. bug: einer der ENVs kann bei einem Parameter (sustain) nicht editiert werden, es gibt aber Tricks.. Triangle to saw "morph". HARDWARE: (D) Beide Matrix verwenden sechs CEM3396 'Synth on a Chip', der Matrix 6 im breiten, der Matrix 1000 im schmalen Gehäuse. Beide Matrixe haben DCOs. Der 'Masterclock' beim Matrix 1000 kommt aus einem Quarz, beim Matrix 6 werden drei softwareabgleichbare (spannungsgesteuerte) freilaufende Masteroszilatoren verwendet. Der Matrix 6 kennt einen 4 zu 2 Split-Mode, dem 1000er fehlt die Hardware dafür, ansonsten sind die Stimmschaltungen (fast) gleich. 6 CEM3396 Dual Wave Processor
SOUND very flexible Synth with one of the best and wide / fat sounds ever heard, only one thing: it''s not made for very fast percussive sounds, quite hard to change sounds without computer..
SOUND Der perfekteste Breitwandklang, den man haben kann. Nicht Ideal für Superperkussives, aber sonst extrem flexibel und wirklich guter Klang. unpraktisch beim Klangeditieren.
VERSION white and black versions were made - rack: Matrix 6R, alternatively: Marion Prosynth or MSR2, small
VERSION es gab weisse und schwarze ausführungen - gabs es auch als Rack 3HE Matrix 6R, alternativ: Marion Prosynth oder MSR2,