![]() M5 modular system | S e q u e n c e r . d e | Macbeth M5 built in 2005 - (note this is NOT for sale) 1 Voices / Stimmen 1x Multitimbral Memory / Speicher no Value used / Gebrauchtwert 3400 € (-) Tech fm filterFM ring pwm sync modular analog hybrid tech no Waves saw pulse tri noise colour 3 OSCs - info © moogulator for sequencer.de 2 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 2-4 Pole 2 LFOs tri saw square 2 ENVs 2x ADSR Ctrl/Trig midi 0 Keys repond to AT/VEL velocity aftertouch Arpeggiator no Sequencer no |
© sequencer.de - no use on ebay + any sites without permission! no copies, derivates or changes allowed! read disclaimer below
info![]() | quite ARPish look but different in concept and sound: prepatched routings that can also re-arranged by the user, so this is more than "semi modular" synth, it has 2 filters and almost everything you need for a modular system | info![]() | Zwar im ARP-Look aber klanglich eigentst�ndig: Der M5 ist ein Gro�er! Das Konzept ist: Vorgepatcht und durch Klinkenkabel �berbr�ckbar "semimodular" w�re da untertrieben. 2 filter und schon bei entstehung ein �berzeugender Klang. Ken MacBeth ist eine one-man-show , die Qualit�t des Systems ist sicherlich viel weiter im Vordergrund als Massen. | |
Tec | 2 filters - 1 multimode 12dB/oct and 1 24dB/LPF - 2 LFOs , 3 VCOs, Ringmod, 2 ENV (adsr), reminds a lot of a modern ARP2600 since there is also a spring reverb (!!) . but it ISN't an ARP and it is NOT designed to sound like one! the lfos got LAG processors and S&H and all standard waveforms. the final prics is 2847,33 euro in GBP it is 1995 in the UK, in germany I assume a bit more than above since this is only calculated todays (11.11.2004) GBP->EUR price. in fact the germany price is 3490,- !! anywaya modular system with all this as modulles will not be much cheaper and bigger in size.. anyway it has EVERYTHING you need to start with a modular systems.. the mp3s on macbethstudiosystems.com site sound quite promising in quality.. no idea how fast the LFOs are.. ;) but the ENVs got 3 level speed switch so maybe there is hope for fast envelopes.. there is a seamless slider for noise (white - pink) and some pre-routed sliders for quite some hard patched "cords".. very flexible and very cool starting point to a modular system.. it looks quite ARP'ish but it is not a clone or something.. it is something new, Ken Macbeth simply likes the design.. it has 2 filters . they also sound different.. its really between them all.. 2 LFOs estimated to range to about 20-25Hz.. too slow? well, you got 3 VCOs!! all can mod each other .. very flexible system with lots of pre.routed bidirection mod sliders.. it is LARGE, and you can see what you are doing.. it also has a reverb spring.. shake the system to have industrial noise. S+H and LAG in here, too (!). no problem for FM and filter FM. | Tec | bidirektionales Modulationskonzept und 2 Filter: ein LPF 24dB/oct LPF und ein Multimodefilter mit 12 dB/oct, Hallspirale und 3 VCOs, die FM tauglich sind, dazu 2 LFOs mit etwa 25Hz max. freq. Ringmodulation und ein Stable-Unstable Regler ist auch mit an Bord. Noise ist stufenlos , icht einfach "white oder pink". Sample + Hold Schaltung und LAGs sind mit an Bord. Also ein Luxusschiff der obersten Klasse, der Preis mag hoch erscheinen, aber ein System mit dieser Ausstattung in Modular d�rfte kaum viel billiger sein und so kompakt. | |
Use | Effects (based on FM) plus Leads and Basses, everything.. | Use | Effekte und komplexere Kl�nge, Leads und B�sse, ALLES.. | |
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