ACE TONE alias Roland - Ace, Rhythm Ace • Ikutaro Kakehashi formed Ace Tone before Roland and they produced a lot of drum machines and organs and finally Ace Tone sold the SH3, the first synthesizer - Mr. Kakehasi formed Roland.. it all happened around 1972/73 -
-Rhythm Ace was the Name of pre-Roland Drum Boxes before 1972..
Rolands was founded 1972, after that the names changed to CR and TR (compurhythm and transistor rhythm...)
see more under Roland Drumcomputer Section..
Ace Machines were in the times of organs, so they were often made as a set top box for organs. but sounds very CR'ish!
the CR Drumcomputers were made under the Roland name like CR68 and CR78
• Ikutaro Kakehashi grĂ¼ndete vor Roland die Firma Ace, erste Produkte waren Drummachines, Orgeln und sogar der SH3 wurde kurzzeitig unter dem Ace / Ace Tone Label verkauft bis 1972/73
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